Friday, May 15, 2015

Random Tid Bits

  1. It's finals time next week + Isaak's birthday, so if I'm pretty absent that is why. I picked a great time to have kids (sarcasm) - Mica's is near the first day of school, and Isaak's is near the last. 

  2. I'm always ready for the school year to be over! The slackers save everything to the last minute, and rush it to boot. The upper class get senioritis. 

  3. My parents decided to leave town right after Mother's Day. One of my sister's messaged me saying, "Will the 21st work to go out for Mother's Day?" I replies, "Travis will be going to New England area, so nope it won't work for us. I'll have no one to watch the kids." He's staying with people we know along the way to reduce the cost. She said back, "Well then all of June and July won't work for me." I could almost hear the snippy in her writing. Ok then - one date won't work for me, and 2 months won't work for you. Who's problem is that? I replied with, "Well we could just celebrate it with the May birthdays. Get a gift card, or something like that."  

  4. Natures helicopters are crazy this year in Nebraska. Are they all over where you live? We have so many, and it keeps raining on and off. They are stuck to the ground. I was going to suck them up, but with them stuck to the ground I figured a push broom would have to do. Someone told me they used a shovel. I wish I would have done that. If they don't get cleaned up we'll have Maple trees everywhere.

  5. I was sweep, sweep, sweeping, and my broom hit something clunky. It was a bird's head. Just a head. Pretty gross if I was picking up things with my hands. Thankfully I was using a dust pan.

  6. Travis got up on the roof, and cleaned the helicopters up there. We filled up 2 lawn bags just with these things. The bottom fell out of one. I had to repack another.

  7. The next day Travis said, "Shoot I think I left the broom up on the roof!" There that sat. 


~ Noelle said...

Never heard or seen those helicopter things.. hmm

Harry Flashman said...

This is my wife's last week of school with kids. Then three days of teacher work days, and she's off until mid August. I am really looking forward to her being home.

I have never seen anything like the picture of the seed pack with wings.

Masshole Mommy said...

I am ready for the year to be over, too, but we have another month. Ugh!

Theresa Mahoney said...

We have 3 weeks left and it's busy busy busy from here until June 10. Not only do I have both the girls end of year stuff, since my mom works, I am taking the responsibility of attending my niece and nephews school stuff too (she raises the two of them, so I am the only other family member who would attend ceremonies and such). Summer can't come fast enough!

Unknown said...

Urgh, snippy people suck :P And ew about the bird's head. I would have squealed and run back inside :P

mail4rosey said...

Hokeysmokes that is a lot of helicopters.

We used to get those in Ohio, but no so many!! Do you burn them?

Charlie said...

When i lived up north we had a lot of helicopters but not so much here. That's crazy how ya'll had so many! That sure would keep some kids enterntained for a while.

Hopefully things work out for a Mother's Day celebration. I wonder what your sister has going on for two months. This was just for the syblings? It gets even harder as families grow and more people have to be included.

Eat To Live said...

Ewwwwe. A bird's head. That would have grossed me out.


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