Tuesday, July 14, 2015

WW: Game {Linky}

Isaak made a game that no one wanted to play. They didn't want to play it because it was homemade by a 7 year old and confusing.

I finally agreed to play with him.

It involved Yoda that had to stomp through the matching numbers he had set up.  Once Yoda reached the dragon he grabbed weapons in the upper corner to attack him. The dragon, which was me had to fly in the air, and throw the circle bombs on Yoda. He kept changing the rules on how many times Yoda had to hit the dragon with the weapons to win.


The Apel's The Apel's The Apel's The Apel's The Apel'sThe Apel's


stevebethere said...

LoL Aww! far too complicated for me but I bet Isaak is a good player heheh!

Have a tanfastic week :-)

Catch My Words said...

I'm glad you were a good sport. Have fun camping. Hopefully it won't be in the 90s up north.


Ai Sakura said...

I'm glad you played with him. I'm sure that made him really happy and wanting to be better at making his games even more fun and easy for more people to play :)

Kristi Maloney said...

These are the best kind of games - just make the rules up as you go along and have fun! :)

Theresa Mahoney said...

You just gotta love those made up games. I've suffered through my fair share over the years too lol

DebC said...

It's what we moms do - encourage our kids :) Their games can be terribly confusing and changeable though.

Dee Dee said...

I have a son who creates games like that....finally, I started writing the rules down. Two pages later.....my oldest son took over and he's the only one who could keep up! :)

Great creativity on your son's part!

Amila @ Leisure and me said...

these made up games are always interesting...

Diana Mancuso said...

LOL My kids always change the rules when they're playing outdoor games with the neighbours.

csuhpat1 said...

LOL. Cute. Love it.

~ Noelle said...

We, at least he has the creativity to make this. How fun. Although next time I day write the times down so there is no changing them ;)

Masshole Mommy said...

LOL!!! My 7 year old makes up his own games and makes up the rules as he goes all the time. It's VERY frustrating.

Anonymous said...

my daughter loves owls, so it would have to be Sly/Screech.

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for the lovely comment that you left in my blog last week about my son and how he hit someone in school. I really appreciate it =)

Rhonda Albom said...

I love when kids make games. Well done Isaak.

Harry Flashman said...

Smart kid. I couldn't make a game like that. I foresee a rewarding career for him in politics, since he makes the rules and changes them to suit his needs! A future President there, could be.

Eat To Live said...

hahahhaaha... Well, at least he found someone who would play. You should have acted like it was loads of fun. Then Mica would of wanted to play too.


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