Friday, October 9, 2015

Random Tid Bits

This one will be little things about me.
  1. I like dark black coffee with no sugar. If I have anything in it, I'll put in a splash of unsweetened almond milk. I drink my coffee out of a vase. It's not as bad as it sounds. I got a little Edible Creation bouquet once, and the vase was a ceramic one. It's the same size as a mug. I like it.

  2. I'm a paper slob. I keep clean with dust, laundry and more, but papers are always everywhere in my house.

  3. I like like most art supplies. The one things I've never gotten into is markers. I hate marker streaks, and how they dry out.

  4.  I love being warm. I like the summer time the most. I love flannel pjs in the winter. What's your favorite season?

  5. Sometimes I get beer just because I like the illustrations on the cans or bottles. 
Ralph Steadman did the illustrations for Flying Dog Beer. He also did the illustrations for the Fear and Loathing in Los Vegas book.

    Fat Tire is designed by Hatch Design, the Illustrator is Leah Giberson.

Brewed by: Cerveceria Mexicana. Illustrations by: Andrew Rose.


Anonymous said...

I typically drink black coffee, too. Occasionally, I want sweet with it though and will put some sugar in it.

I'm totally obsessed with notebooks and have like... hundreds of them. This isn't an exageration, haha

I like markers! Mostly sharpies, but still.

My favorite season is AUTUMN, but only when it feels like it (and if often doesn't in Texas).

I admit, I sometimes do as well! Flying Dog has some cool bottles, but the only one I've tried is Raging Bitch and it was OK. Dogfish Head has cool labels most of the time, too!

Theresa Mahoney said...

Those beer bottles are fun to look at!

I like summer too. I would rather sweat all day long than be cold. I hate the cold and am slowly planting the seed in Jason's head that we are moving to North Carolina or Georgia as soon as Allison moves out.

mail4rosey said...

I thought those illustrations looked like the ones used along with Hunter S. Thompson. I like black coffee. Sometimes I take just cream, or once in a blue moon I'll add cream and sugar. :) My favorite season is any season that is warm enough not to need a jacket.

Masshole Mommy said...

There are a lot of really cool looking beer bottles out there. Here in New England it seems like there are a million small breweries, and they ALL have awesome art on their labels.

~ Noelle said...

Give me cold over hot any day, please...
I HATE HATE HATE to be hot...

Eat To Live said...

I'm with you, summer is the best. I hate being cold.

Ai Sakura said...

those are very cool beer bottle designs! I collect milk bottles.. but I'll drink the milk first of course then rinse and keep the bottles. Do you drink the beer or leave them unopened?

Ai @ Sakura Haruka

An Apel a Day said...

We drink the beer. I haven't kept the bottle, but just admired them. We only have so much room. I do think the Mexican ones would look good in our kitchen. World Market sells them. Those would be some that I could see keeping for good.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I like spring. I drink coffee with just a little stevia. No milk.

Terra Heck said...

I don't like the taste of beer but do think some of the art on the bottles is creative. I like my coffee black too, nothing added.


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