Friday, February 12, 2016

Random Tid Bits

  1. I've been so tired this week, and I don't even know why. It's like a sleepy fairy has been waving their wand over my head. Does that ever happen to you?

  2. Maybe I'm lacking in vitamin D, trying to fight something off, or need to be more active. It could be any, or all three.

  3. I like getting a great gift for my nephews, and in the past my one and only niece to. My younger sister challenges me in the gift giving department.

    This year she wants me to get my youngest nephew a toddler pillow. I have gifts stashed away for this kid until he's 5 I think. A toddler pillow sounds easy enough right? Nope. It has to be farm themed. I told her that it's not hard finding a toddler pillow, but finding a specific theme is a little harder to do. She sent me all these links to farm toddler pillows sold on ebay. I don't want to buy a pillow off ebay. I bought Emerson a toddler pillow awhile back; when he was a toddler. He's going to be 6 years old this year. My thought process is, why not hand Edison over Emerson's pillow? Then I can get Emerson a regular pillow for his birthday.

    I asked a company if I could review a toddler pillow. It has a plain pillow case. Guess what? I have fabric paint. If the company agrees I can paint a few farm animals on the pillow. We'll see how that all pans out.

  4. I found out that that the school won a few design awards. They just tell you you won, but not what for. He thinks it's on the poster I worked on for a few months this summer. I hope it is.

  5. Isaak wore his shirt backwards all day one day. I told him. He said, "I know. My teacher told me." I asked, "Why didn't you fix it?" He said, "Because it was comfortable the way it was." 

  6. Isaak has very neat handwriting when he wants to. Lately Travis noticed that his handwriting starts out neat, and gets very sloppy towards the end of his school papers. Travis has mentioned this to Isaak, but sent his teacher an email about it to. Isaak's a people pleaser. Travis knew if his teacher talked to Isaak, Isaak would strive for being better. Sure enough it worked.


~ Noelle said...

Broxton has HORRIBLE handwriting. He hares writing and does it fast and sloppy. We will be working on it over break.

Cascia Talbert said...

I hope you are able to paint that pillow. I don't think my kids ever had toddler pillows when they were little.

Theresa Mahoney said...

I've been so sleepy too! Must be the weather. I can't wait for summer when I have more energy from the sunshine!

My girls have horrible handwriting. Both of them. No amount of encouragement to do better helps either.

Mike Golch said...

the only time I had good hand writting was when I was allowed to be left handed,but the school system and my Dad had other ideas.

Masshole Mommy said...

My oldest has VERY neat handwriting, my my little one's is atrocious.


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