Thursday, March 3, 2016

Isaak's 2nd Grade Conferences

Last week when Travis was away in Chicago it was my turn to get Strep Throat. I was so lucky that my doctor prescribed me with antibiotics without going in, and on Wednesday when I got it my student had a job shadow, so my class was away - yay! 

I took Thursday off. A rare thing for me. While I would have loved to lay around, watch movies, and fall asleep I couldn't. I had both boys bouncing all energetic like around me. Yep - they were off school. Isaak was starting to feel better from his Strep Throat. Mica never got it. Timing wise I think Mica and Travis got to skip having Strep Throat this time. 

I had conferences for both boys Thursday night. The thought occurred to me to call to skip them. Both boys have all A's. But...I had things I wanted to talk to the teachers about. It was just me, so I couldn't send Travis to them. I had been taking antibiotics long enough that I was past the contagious stage. 

Cat in the "Hat" Day at School
They could wear any hat. The boys picked the sombreros. Isaak would not hold still, so he's a little blurry. Mica just looks like a freak with those crazy eyes. That kind of adds to the craziness of the photo though.

Isaak's conferences were first.

He's doing well in everything. The only area that he struggles with is reading comprehension. We're supposed to have him read books, and ask questions afterwards. The crazy thing is that his vocabulary, and his reading level are both high. 

Isaak still doesn't love to read. He rarely picks up a book on his own accord. He did recently finish a 328 page book. That was because he was A. Sick and B. Influenced by his teacher. His teacher told the whole class that if they could read a big book, they could put marbles in their classroom jar. Isaak's always done well with positive reinforcement, so he was all about that marble jar. When their marble jar is full they get some kind of classroom party. 

I talked to Isaak's teacher about how Isaak will get a spelling word right, then 2 weeks later ask how to spell that same word. She says they all do that. The spelling words are repeated throughout the year. 

She likes to write and tell stories. He uses big words when he writes. It's fun having Isaak read his stories because all those words that were spelled wrong make perfect sense. 

Isaak has good handwriting for a 2nd grader boy. 

His teacher did say that Isaak is never super excited about things. I said, "That's because he thinks of school like it's his job. That's coming from him, not me." I'm kind of glad he took on that way of thinking when it comes to school. It is his job. He likes school, so that's what matters. 

We did visit the girl that works with the boys in regards to challenging them. They got put into that program when they were fairly young, and we try to visit that teacher every conference. I mainly talked about Mica, who I have more problems with (that will be the next post). Isaak sat there and said, "Can we talk about me now?" We all had a chuckle. Where Isaak's at in school he's doing great! He's a messy, collage artist that likes to put things together, and enjoys pop-up things, and loves to write stories.


Ai Sakura said...

Good to know that they are both doing well in school! Maybe try out that marble jar thing at home to encourage him to read more at home too..

Ai @ Sakura Haruka

Theresa Mahoney said...

I struggle to get Allison to read at home too. She does love those Scholastic book fairs, and seems to be the only time we can get her to read is when we let her buy a book. Drives me insane, since the same ones are free to read from the library.

~ Noelle said...

Broxton loves math... hates writing. Loves for me to read to him... hates to have to read. ughhhhhhhhhhhhh

Masshole Mommy said...

Glad to hear that things are going well for him :)


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