Random Tid Bits
- The kids have Spring Break next week. It seems crazy because it's not spring yet.
- I told the kids that this weekend we're going to work on a lesson plan form for the week they are off. It will include: A theme every day for them to write a story, draw a picture or 2, a cleaning task, flashcards, a building activity and once they are all done with that stuff they get to watch a movie, or have Kindle time.
- We went to see Kung Fu Panda last week. Did you know that if you hit up theaters on a Sunday morning it's $5 to get into a flick? I'm not going to be a spoiler with the movie just in case you haven't seen it. I will say that we liked it a lot. I don't agree that it's better than the other 2. We laughed the most on the first one. The second one was more serious, and dark, but important. This one is great to. They're all fun in my opinion.
- I made dinner a few nights this week. We're talking gigantic meals, where we'd have lunches carry into the next day. That's not unusual for me, but I often time get help. One night I was majorly off. I was making Stir Fry, I had the sauce prepared, and dropped it. The glass measuring cup broke all over, and the sauce was everywhere. It was not fun cleaning that up! This is the 2nd time I've dropped, and broke my 1 cup measuring cup. Do you have times where you drop things a lot?
- My Dad has a Stress Test next week on his heart. I hope they find something out for his sake.
The opinions on this blog are my personal take on products and topics relating to motherhood. This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me.
I am not compensated to provide opinions on a variety of topics. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are my own. If I claim to show knowledge of certain topic or product I will only endorse products or services that I feel, based on my expertise, are worthy of such endorsement.
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We usually have spring break the week of Easter, so we have a few more weeks until we're off.
That sucks about the measuring cup. I've had my bowls for 8 years and have never chipped a one. Then, within the past 6 months, I've managed to drop and break 4 of them!
Fingers crossed your dad gets answers soon!
I recently lost a set of keys. A very important set. They have to be in this house, because I used them to get in it, lol. It's stressful. I'd rather drop something. ;)
Good luck to your dad!
I don't know when our spring break is... we Just had a winter one, not to mention Christmas break.
I have not broken anything, recently. Lol.
Hope all works out ok with your dad
We don't really have a "spring break" here. We get a week in February and a week in April!
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