Tuesday, March 8, 2016

WW: Thurgood Marshall {Linky}

Mica had to dress up as Thurgood Marshall for a Black History play.

He told us that he needed a grey wig, and a grey mustache the night before the play. It was the same day I ran around to go to the doctor and pharmacy because Isaak had Strep Throat. I said to Mica, "I'm only going to get you what we can find here at the pharmacy. Next time let me know stuff like this a week before you need it. Not the night before."

We looked. Of course they didn't have grey hairspray. I said, "You can be a young Thurgood Marshall, and have black hair. He reluctantly said, "Ok."

When we got home, and Mica said, "Oh I need back rimmed glasses to." I asked, "What happened to your black rimmed glasses you had from before?" He said, "Isaak broke them!"

A light bulb went off: I can paint all this on him. We tested it out the night before. Then Travis painted it on the day of. He forgot to take pictures. Mica's hair was all slicked back, painted back, and I even put highlights of grey in it with the face make-up.

These are after school pictures when his hair wasn't what it was before school. By the way he had a robe to wear at school. His glasses aren't perfect, but it's what we as parents could do at the last minute. Mica was happy. His teacher and classmates got a good giggle out of his painted on glasses and mustache.

Mica must feel some kind of connection with Thurgood Marshall. He picked him to color last year for art. 



kewkew said...

Nice likeness

Kristi Maloney said...

He does look like him. You did great on one day notice. (I hate when mine spring stuff on my like that too!)

Cascia Talbert said...

You did a great job with his costume. Painting on the glasses was a good idea. Have a terrific night!

Theresa Mahoney said...

Don't you just love those last minute requests? You guys did amazing work, especially on what little time you had to prepare!

csuhpat1 said...

Very cool.

stevebethere said...

LMAO brilliant :-)

Claire Justine said...

You did great dressing him up!! Nice one :)

Indah Nuria Savitri said...

love the drawing..and certainly he looks convincingly like him :)

~ Noelle said...

painting the glasses on was genius!!
I would have never thought of that
love it

mail4rosey said...

That is cute as can be. I love to read about Marshall. It's a good connection to have. :)

Anonymous said...

I say a genius way to improvise costume =)

Ai Sakura said...

Very good last-min dress-up actually! Imagine if he gave you more time to prepare haha

Ai @ Sakura Haruka

Veronica Lee said...

Very cool! You did a fantastic job dressing him up!

Masshole Mommy said...

The glasses on him are cracking me up! What a great likeness.


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