My sister had a special party planned because we never thought he'd live this long. He keeps going and going. I say that because throughout his party he showed off the whole time by walking with his walker. He had to be so tired by the end of it. My sister kept offering breaks for him, but he kept on walking.
Ok here's one photo. It's hard getting photos of him because he's constantly moving, and hardly keeps his head up. I won the cape from Mail4Rosey. :)
I was asked to take pictures at a booth they had set up. I have to be honest I wasn't too thrilled when I got this job, but it ended up not being so bad. I tried recruiting kids over to take photos with superhero masks and capes. Some wanted to take part in it, while some were too shy.
I showed up right when the party started, so I could get a lot of photos before the kids were too busy playing. That ended up working out great!
In the room walks a distant relative. She's tried to get my husband to fix old costume jewelry for her for free before.
She had a manuscript, a Shutterfly book, and some sketches in her hands. She walked right over to where I was at.
Freebie Person: "Alissa I have to tell you all about this lady who drew my cats for me. You see her husband is so sick that they have his body opened up. He's been in the hospital. I don't know what's wrong with him."
Me trying to listen: "Oh I'm sorry to hear that." Thinking, What does this have to do with me?
Freebie Person: "Since she can't draw cats for me anymore I'd like you to."
Me looking at the Shutterfly book: "Have you tried sending your manuscript to a publisher? They set people up with illustrators that match the writing style."
Freebie Person: "Oh I don't want to do all that. I just want a few books printed. You can go to Amazon, and make books right? You know about that stuff. I just don't. I just need you to be just as excited about this as I am."
Me: "I'm afraid I don't draw in a cartoon style. My work is more about collage, painting, and layers. It's not going to match the style of this other illustrator. I think it would be best if you tried to submit it into a publisher. You'll have better results in the end. This other book is from Shutterfly, not Amazon."
Freebie Person: "It's my dying wish to have this done. I think you'd be perfect for this."
Me Thinking, But Not Saying: You came to this party to try and get free work done for your book. You didn't come to see Emerson at all.
A Few Other People Came to Talk to Me...I wanted to hug them for interrupting the freebie person. Our conversations couldn't last the whole time.
Freebie Person: "You see this is my dying wish to have this book."
Me: "I'm sorry it's not going to work."
I walked away.
She was notably upset.
Later on...
Freebie Person: "If you know of anyone that can do this book, or if you change your mind please let me know."
Me: "I'm sorry it didn't work out. I really don't know anyone that will work for free."
I was thinking: Never would I have my students do this kind of work for free.
I was thinking: Never would I have my students do this kind of work for free.
Why is it that people often want an artist to work for them for free?
When a toilet is jammed up no one expects that to be fixed by a plumber for free.
I'll do things for my immediate family, like taking photos at my nephew's birthday, I've done many invitations for birthday parties, but beyond that I don't want to do free things. I'll sometimes do an exchange. My cousin wanted wedding invitations made. I did them. That was her gift from us.
I may consider doing something for a nonprofit that doesn't have the funds for much. It's because I believe in the cause.
Hair stylists get the same thing. I've had many tell me they won't do anyone's hair at home, they tell them to come to the salon. One gal who was doing my hair said she even has her mom come to the salon, ha! I imagine it gets old quick, everyone wanting you to draw, paint, etc.
Emerson looks great, and I know that cape!! :)
Big Happy Birthday to him. :)
I totally agree with you. Nobody should be forced to do something for free. I hope she decides to send her book to a publishing company. I think that is a great idea. Congratulations and Happy Birthday to your nephew! Your sister's family is so blessed to have him in their lives. I hope he lives to have many, many more birthdays.
I don't mind doing things free to a certain extent, as long as I'm not put out too much by the effort or if it doesn't cost me money. My mom, Jason's parents and my best friend I'd do anything they wanted for free because I know they'd do anything for free for me too.
Illustration has got to be a huge job. I took me over 4 hours to edit my best friend's son's prom photos, and I know that doesn't even come close to what you'd have to put into illustration. I wouldn't feel bad telling her to get lost with her freebie grubbing self. The nerve!
I don't understand how some people have the cheek to even think that, especially with someone not that close!! I'm glad you stood your ground and turned her down.
Ai @ Sakura Haruka
I don't get it...
people are all about asking for free things. I admit, I asked as good friend of mines husband to paint something for Broxtons room when he was a baby... That was their gift to him... I wanted it to mean something, not just be something I bought... but I also took pics at their wedding :)
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