According to this article I'm in the 1% of the population that has one. If I lived in Asia somewhere I'd be one of the 3 to 4% of the population to have it.
I've had it, since birth. I always thought I got it inside the womb. I had a skin tag on my leg. Inside my Mom I must have been positioned like a pretzel. I thought the skin from my ear grew on my leg instead. I had the skin tag removed when I was itty bitty.
Taking a photo of your own ear that has hair flopped over in that spot isn't easy. Ha! Do you see the hole?
It's right here:
When I was really young it bothered me at times. I felt like something got stuck in there. When I was babysitting age I'd tell little kids that my brain leaked out there - just to mess with them.
As it turns out it's part of the sinuses. Who knew? I sure didn't! About 1% of the population has this little hole. It's usually above the right ear (It's above my right ear). It's not a big deal usually. Although some people have been known to get a cyst inside of it. Then it's kind of a big deal. It's probably a bad idea to put an earring in it - like I did when I was a kid.
I contacted both the ENT and the dreamy Allergy Asthma doctors just to let them know I have it. I don't know if the ENT will close it up, while I'm in surgery for the deviated septum and polyps, or if he'll just leave it, since it doesn't seem to bother me. Regardless I felt like it should be something to add to my chart.
Do you have any oddities like a birthmark, skin tags, or Preauricular Sinus like I do?
Isaak has a birthmark right on his spine. It's always been something his doctor told us to watch. Basically a birthmark in that spot means that area is a little weaker than the rest of his spine. So far no changes have happened with it though.
I got a couple skin tags in my pregnancy with Savannah. I hate them.
That's interesting! I have never seen that on anyone that I know, but if I ever do, now I know what it is :)
How odd. I've never seen anything like that. How did you find out that it's a sinus? Google … or?
I never knew anyone with it and never noticed it on anyone too! I've a little red birthmark on my tummy :p
Ai @ Sakura Haruka
My son has this as well! So he is part of the 1% too! You are in the same club. His is above his left ear and he had it at birth. He also has a deviated septum and enlarged tonsils. We were considering surgery to remove the tonsils, but the ENT suggested waiting until he stopped growing to fix the deviated septum - so I think we will wait....
One of my kids has always had earlobes that look distinctly like they are pierced (they are not).
Good luck with your surgery! Let us know if they close up the hole. :)
I bet they just leave it, since it doesn't seem to be harming anything.
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