We thought we'd be getting a new car when we had hail damage in the summer. Travis had to do a lot of calling back and forth to insurance and fix-it shop. We thought the Civic would for sure be totaled because of its age. It turned out that they did end up fixing both of our vehicles.

I'm happy that there are sites out there like http://cars.com. They are super helpful in all things car related:
- Cars for Sale
- Sell Your Car
- Service and Repair
- Research
Buying cars can be super intimidating. They are just so expensive. Sites like cars.com, make us happy and less stressed.
What do you look for in a car?
For us it's always been something reliable. We've gotten a few Subaru's and a few Honda's. I just don't want the car to fall apart on us. Honda's and Subaru's are pretty reliable, and good on gas.
For our next car I want to go with something less expensive. It will more than likely be the car that Mica learns how to drive on. What we've looked for in the past may not be what we look for in the future.
The key thing is to do your research! Utilize companies like cars.com to help in the process of finding a car that fits your family. They give straight forward answers to questions you may have.
Get more than one opinion. Going to different dealerships, and working with different dealers will help you you get different perspectives that you need.
Try and have fun when getting a new car. Like I said above it can be stressful. Just relax, and enjoy some rides before making a purchase.
For a Great Article on How to Clean and Detail Your Car Interior, check out this article. I have the most trouble keeping my trunk clear from stuff. Does your car need to be cleaned right now?
I let Jason do all the car shopping around here. I stress out really easily, so I just tell him what I need in a car and he goes out and finds, then buys one lol
As we travel alot, I want to have something that will be comfy enough for those travelings. My hubby usually chooses the car :)
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