Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Happy Valentines Day!

I gave each of my students one of these button Valentines along with a chocolate heart:

I gave a couple to Travis and the boys as well. I was surprised that the boys put them on all excited like; just like the girls did. I have a guy student that was beaming that he got a Valentine. Mica was annoyed that I gave Isaak a kiss one. He's like, "I wanted that one." I didn't think they'd be a big hit with the boys.

I liked them so much, that I wore one too:

Mica has a crush. He's at that age where it's ok to like a girl. I actually spotted her name on a product in the grocery store. I said, "You should get her that for Valentine's Day." So he did. I think I'd be impressed if a boy found my name on a product at that age. 

Isaak made a Mr. Candy coffee pot for his Valentines box. He was super stoked! 

We don't typically do anything on Valentines Day. Restaurants are so busy. We just go out the night before, or the night after. Last night we went out to an Italian place. It was good! 

This morning each of us, including myself had a box of chocolates at our spot on the table. 

What do you do for Valentines Day?


mail4rosey said...

I got my son a LEGO kit and a little chocolate heart. I gave my baby grand a glitter heart tree that she wanted from grandmama's house. ;) Happy Valentine's Day!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

The twins got a little something extra for their girls, lol. I went to their school parties, which were cute.

Theresa Mahoney said...

We don't do anything either. I made lasagna and figured it was red so that should count as being festive lol.

I think the pins are cute! So sweet of you to pass them out to your students ♥

~ Noelle said...

Those are cute. I felt bad, we sent Valentines in for the class... but they just had little cheap stickers (*that is what I get for waiting last minute!) Next year, I promise to do better. Gave the kids each a couple new t-shirts (they needed them!)
Had a heart shaped biscuit from Chick-fil-a for breakfast and was lazy and had pizza for dinner...

Indah Nuria Savitri said...

Those are cute buttons! We don't really celebrate it but the kids got choco!


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