- On Isaak's last day of school he came out hopping. His teacher was laughing and said, "If I could record this to look back at different times of the summer I'd be happy." I knew exactly what Isaak was doing. He's had this goal of standing on one leg longer than anyone else to beat out the person in the Guinness World Book of Records. Will it happen? No. He gives up after about 30 minutes every...single...time.
- We finally took my mom out for Mother's Day. Ya a little late, ya think? One sister was out of town, and my parents went out of town as well. I always feel like we should just celebrate early in the month. Then we get it knocked out before school ends. Everyone gets busy. We could just celebrate Mother's Day, Father's Day and my birthday in one shot, but no one but me likes that idea. They all like celebrating Mother's Day and Father's Day separate because they deserve that time. Somehow my birthday gets skipped, but I don't care. I could sulk and say, I don't deserve that time? I'm the one that would like to lump them into one big meet-up.
- I did get some use out of that 30% off Khols card. Travis got 4 or 5 shirts there. I made him try on a taco shark shirt just to get a good laugh. We all laughed, including the lady waiting for her son to try on shirts.
- We only had Isaak with us shopping. Travis and I were both thinking, This is going to be wonderful shopping with just one kid. Mica was busy volunteering at the library. Isaak was a talker! He never shut up, and was in one of those extra goofy moods! Then Isaak stool Travis' hat to wear backwards, and proceeded to talk in an annoying voice that sounded a bit like Sponge Bob Square Pants. So much for the joys of shopping with one kid. At least he's cute in the picture.
- Back to shopping with my sisters...
I had one stop I wanted to go on. Shhh....don't tell, but I like to shop on my own without them.
Here's the deal:
I bought 4 spools of thread for this art project I was working on. I had no idea what color of gold I needed. I didn't have the project with me, and I was across town. The thread was 50% off. Guess how much it was for all that thread? $25.25! My mouth dropped across the floor. I'm the girl that buys the cheap-o thread at the Dollar Store. Seriously! $25.25 for 4 spools of thread, which would have cost me over $50 had it not been on sale! I could get a whole kit that had just about every color of the rainbow + black + white + needles + a case for $15. I was beginning to think it was real gold, for that kind of money!
I literally went home, picked out the thread, and sewed 2", and that's ALL I USED. It's the top of the mason jar - only the gold. Not the black shadow, or white highlight stitching.
I wanted to return them all. I said, "I need to figure out how to get this to look like I never used it." My older sister, "That's not right. You used it!" Me, "I know, but barely. This crap is expensive!" Mind you her family has enough money to go on expensive trips. No ours! There you have it, she pulled the guilt trip on me. I know she was right. But...I barely used it, wouldn't use it again, and didn't want to spend that kind of crazy money on thread.
I went to the fabric store on my own, and returned it all. No questions asked. So it was morally wrong, but dang it. I remember when I went to college a teacher said, "Buy a book, use it for the references, don't mess it up, and return it." This was prior to the internet to use images for references. There you have it folks, that was just as bad as what I did with less than 2" of thread. Have you ever returned something slightly used? I know everyone's worn a shirt, found out they didn't like it as much as they did when they were in the store, and returned it.
Friday, June 22, 2018
Random Tid Bits
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The opinions on this blog are my personal take on products and topics relating to motherhood. This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me.
I am not compensated to provide opinions on a variety of topics. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are my own. If I claim to show knowledge of certain topic or product I will only endorse products or services that I feel, based on my expertise, are worthy of such endorsement.
If you have any questions about this blog, or want to get in contact with me please email me at: anapeladay@gmail.com
I am not compensated to provide opinions on a variety of topics. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are my own. If I claim to show knowledge of certain topic or product I will only endorse products or services that I feel, based on my expertise, are worthy of such endorsement.
If you have any questions about this blog, or want to get in contact with me please email me at: anapeladay@gmail.com
Yeah, I'm a cheapo too... lol. But probably would not have bought it to begin with....
You couldn't find gold thread anywhere else for cheaper? Amazon comes to mind… I also think I've seen some at Wal Mart. (My grandmother once made me a costume using gold thread, so it's something we've had to look for.)
I'm not sure I would return thread I had used. (Because once you cut thread, you can't add back what you've used.) I have worn a shirt or dress and returned that, though. But it's not like any of the outfit was missing. The closest I've come to what you did is returning something that was broken. But usually that's only if it was broken when I bought it or if it broke shortly after buying. Like a plastic tupperware that broke within days of buying.
Glad they took the thread back. It's always nice having extra money that you thought was gone.
I don't like returning things, so I would have just ate the loss. Jason, on the other hand, probably would have done the same thing and returned it used. I did buy a heated blanket that stopped working after about a month that I took back to the store though. For $30, that thing better last all season long! I wasn't going to fight with the manufacturer and warranty so let the store deal with it.
the artwork looks amazing, Alissa..love it.I love shopping as well but I prefer doing it alone LOL. My hubby and kids keep complaining about how crazy I become when I go shopping :)
I hate to return things. I'm not sure why. I have before, but if I can avoid it, I do. :) My daughter is crafty, and some of the items she likes really are expensive!
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