Monday, August 10, 2020

Happy 15th Birthday Mica!

Today we had an odd storm roll through. It happened very suddenly, and left many in the Omaha area, including us with no power. 

Your birthday didn’t really start out on a positive note. You were brushing your teeth in the dark. 

We are in the middle of a pandemic. I have to say out of all of us in the Apel house you’ve adapted the best to solitude + change. You said that this pandemic gives you time to self reflect.

You were supposed to start high school today. North High Magnet School focuses on Biomedical and Engineering. We found out just two days ago that classes are going to be held remote, for the first semester. You were excited that school wasn’t going to begin on your birthday.

What you got, for your birthday:

•A room makeover - You would have never asked for a room makeover. Why? Because it required work. Ha!

•You also wanted something on the PS4, but missed playing time with your cousins due to the power outage. 

•I got you some candy. I know jellybeans are one of your favorites, but you never get any because Isaak can’t have them, due to his braces. The Dentist may not thank me, but you’ll enjoy them. 

•I made you an ice cream cake, and got Chinese take out. 


•Eating! I went to get a snack, and the whole pan was empty. It threw me because the foil was still on the pan. You're growing like a weed, so I get why you're hungry all the time.

•Battlefront - A PS4 game

•You liked the show Hunters on Amazon Prime

•You still enjoy reading

•You often are listening to music



•Getting your hands dirty in the kitchen


•Scoliosis is our main scare with you right now. You didn't do well at the doctor's office, they sent you to get a scan, and you didn't do great on that either. I'm hoping you just grew too fast. You have to get yet another scan in three months. 

•You have no interest in driving. We shall see. 


You got a big award sent your way from school last year. More on that in a big.  

Overall you're a pretty darn good kid, and I love you!

Happy Birthday Mica!

1 comment:

Theresa Mahoney said...

I hope Mica had a great birthday! Ice cream cake, jelly beans and Chinese takeout sounds perfect to me.

He may not change his mind about driving. Mariah didn't even attempt to get her license until she was almost 19! She failed her first drivers test but got it on the second. Allison can get hers in exactly 1 month and she's itching for it so bad. Completely opposite kids, I tell ya! LOL


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