Sunday, January 3, 2021

Happy New Year!!!🎆

I know I’ve been absent a lot more this year. It’s been a wild ride. 

It’s only going to get wilder! I’m starting to teach an advertising | design class early February. I wanted to get as much as I could done, while I was on a break from my full time job. Trouble is, I had so many questions, that I couldn’t get going on it very well. Like I couldn’t find my classes description on their site, their calendar didn’t show when their spring break is, and they use a different format from what I’m used to. I want to do a good job, but so didn’t want this to get in the way of my full time job. 

I kept waking up, feeling like...gawd what did I get myself into? The person in charge of me emailed me back her phone number, I called, and had a ton of questions. 

Now I’m feeling better about the class. Although I still don’t know where I’m going, and the students use PCs, when I use a MAC. I’ll get there. 

I also found out I have a phone “trial” on the 8th, for unemployment. They thought in May that I was playing their system, by taking the summer off, and collecting from them. I have to let my work know. I’m so annoyed about it! 

We spent the break eating junk, playing board games, and binge watching The Americans for the 2nd time. We each got our choice of games, so we played Pandemic twice, Heats three times, Shanghai Rummy 1/2 way, Dominos- Chicken Scratch once, Sequence once, Chinese Checkers once, and Stratego once. That’s a lot of games! 

What did you do during the break? 


csuhpat1 said...

Happy New Year to you and good luck on your new adventure.

Theresa Mahoney said...

Happy New Year! Sounds like a good break to me! We didn't do much here. Mariah came up from college and brought her cats and stayed a week. We played a lot of games and watched a lot of movies too. But we had 3 birthdays plus Christmas thrown in there, so we were pretty busy still with all the celebrating. Have you played Ticket To Ride? Mariah bought that game and we played it twice while she was here. Allison kicked our butts both times, but it's such a fun game, nobody cared.

Indah Nuria Savitri said...

Happy happy new year, Alissa...well, I don't really have a break as my job requires us to finish all the reports at the of the year and prepare all the work plan in the beginning of the year. I keep filling all those matrixes and forms that seem to be never ending. But the good thing is I can do them in the comfort of home and near my kids. So, we did cook a lot, order go-food for take-aways, reread our books, and conquer Netflix hahaha. I do miss those board games. We only have New York-opoly now..

Veronica Lee said...

The hubs is retired and as you know I am a sahm so there's really no difference for us but I am getting really sick of this pandemic. I just wish this horrible nightmare will be over soon.

Stay safe and sane, A!

mail4rosey said...

Well you already know I wish I could stay in. Students are dropping like flies and yet we have to be face-to-face. We stay in when I'm not working. :) That is annoying about them thinking you were playing the system. Someone who truly is will probably not even get a call.


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