Look he even has Isaak's big eyes. LOL

- Go Graham Go and A Giveaway Addicted Mommy are having a doll giveaway (winners pick) from the company Adorable Kinders. Isaak loves, "Babies", and it's hard to find boy dolls in the stores.
- I'm a total doll junkie. I loved them when I was little. The only sucky thing in my mind about having boys is that I can't really pass my dolls down to them. They play with their 2 small dolls, but not like a girl would. They end up getting thrown on the floor!
- I did buy Mica 2 small dolls before Isaak was born to roll play with him, so he'd be a good big brother. Isaak does carry them around. They have pink and blue outfits on them.
- Aunt Angela found a really cute boy doll for Isaak at Kohl's for Christmas. It has buttons, snaps and ties on the clothing, so he can learn to do those things.
- The cool thing about Adorable Kinders is that you can find a doll that looks just about like any kid. I had fun picking ones out that look like the little kids in my family and friend's kids.
My nephew Elijah

My nephew Evan who happens to red hair.

My friend Kim's son. He doesn't look like this too much. He was the hardest to find since he's 1/2 Asian.

Hehehhe..... guess the dolls don't have a "mix kid" section! :)
That's what I was thinking. LOL
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