Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wordless Wednesday - Mommy and Isaak on Their Laptops


~ Noelle said...

thats cute...
we got broxton a laptop and he plays, until we get on ours and then he wants the real deal!

Dee said...

LOL! That is toooo funny! How cute!

Jennifer @ Mom Spotted said...

LOL Gavin does the same with his Mickey Mouse laptop! Gotta love it!

Night Owl Mama said...

How fun! Just like Mommy 2 cute

Auntie E said...

So cute.. family time.
My WW link for you

XmasDolly said...

Thanks for stopping by. Well, look at your two, monkey see - monkey do as they say! ~hehe~ They are so precious at that age. I got to get me a laptop! Have a great day and Happy WW. Following you.

My Wee View said...

Hehe,,that is so so so cute :)

Does he have a blog too?

Thanks for sharing.


Felicia said...

I love it!!! PS.. I am jealous of your Mac. I want one! :)

An Apel a Day said...

My Mac isn't really my Mac. I get it by being a teacher. If I started working someplace else, I'd loose the Mac.


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