I only find it hard when there is not too much for him to help with, or Isaak and him are fighting over who is going to help me. Isaak's generally liked to help in the kitchen and with laundry as soon as he could. Mica was pretty neutral to it until recently.
Along with this stage comes more responsibility.
What Mica does now:
- He's taken care of putting away his socks, underwear, pjs and pants for a long time. Now he has to hang his shirts up. He doesn't really like doing this, but I know he knows how. Therefore I make him do this task.
- He has to collect all the trash and takes it out, while we watch. The rule is, is that he can not go out without letting us know. Someone from my sister's high school went to take out the trash and never came back. I'm paranoid about our kids going in the front of the house alone.
- Mica packs his own school lunch with me talking him through it. This is a pretty big step. Before Kindergarten he had trouble spreading peanut butter on a piece of bread. He doesn't have peanut butter sandwiches all the time. Sometimes he does.
- This is a task I'm still shaky on, he started peeling his own carrot. Daddy helped him the first time. I did the second. He tried telling me he knew how to do it. I watched and he was peeling towards himself. YIKES I stopped him right away. This is a task that has to be overseen.
- He helps unload the dishwasher. Basically he stacks dishes, while I put them away.
- He also dumps ingredients in a bowl when I'm making things.
- He takes the plates to the table.
I was always leary about letting my Daughter cook at the stove. She used to always want to make scrambled eggs. We had a gas stove and I was afraid she would catch her hair on fire or... her clothing. I stood over her like a hawk.
Once you are finished with Mica, some young lady is going to thank you for making her a wonderful Husband. LOL>...... I wish my Mother in Law would of taught my Hubs to pick up after himself.
Letting my kids use the toaster always made me nervous. I could just see them sticking a fork down inside to get their stuck toast out...even though I taught them not to.
I don't have kids so I can't say but must be quite amazing. He is helping you out except for one thing...
love it. broxton is really into helping me right now. some days are better than others!
as for the carrot ... we use a peeler... still not sure if i would want him to do it yet :)
I think I played it by ear and each child was different. My daughter could be trusted much earlier than my son.
When my son started showing interest in wanting to help me out, I was totally weary of letting him. I like to do things my own way and having him want to help was so different for me.
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