Friday, August 10, 2012

Mica Turned 7 Today

Dear Mica,

You've learned so much since last year. Here's just some of the things you've picked up on in the last year: Reading, writing, adding, subtracting, telling time, counting change, swimming and more. Much more than when I was your age.  Your Kindergarten teacher felt like you were at the top of your class.

You have a pretty big vocabulary for age 7. Many people think you are older than what you are. It's probably because you talk well and you're tall.

We started adding more chores to your list. At first you liked collecting the trash and taking it out. Now you pretend to not hear us when we ask you to do this job. You also try to skip the process of putting your dishes in the dishwasher. Many times when you are asked to pick up your room, you forget the picking up part and start playing. I'm pretty sure a lot of kids who are 7 are just like you when it comes to chores.

You have a really great imagination. Maybe if we put a story to your chores, they would get done faster. ;) You love to dress yourself and your brother up. Many of the dress up clothes say they go up to age 5, but you still wear them. One day you're a pirate, another day you are a super hero and another day you are a cowboy. Hangers get turned into swards; Daddy and I are often times breaking up fights. No one has gotten hurt yet. In your mind each event should have a theme.

Your crayons have taken a backseat for now. Lego's have taken over in your play. You build all kinds of things, but mostly different types of time machines. Back to the Future has influenced you.

Other movies you like: Karate Kid 1 and 2, The Karate Kid, Kung Fu Panda 1 and 2, Ghost Busters and almost anything that's put on as long as you get to choose. I've heard you tell Isaak that, "Doodle Bops is for babies." You still beg to watch Fisher Price's Little People movies. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I think they are both for ages 5 and younger. I was like that when I was a kid to. I loved that Aunt Terra was younger than me. It was an excuse to play with Barbies a little longer.

I love your sense of humor. Things that you didn't laugh at before you now find very funny. Oh and you are right Isaak's knock knock jokes are not really funny. We just laugh to amuse him.

I love that you are so caring. You walk up to people and give free hugs all the time. Not every kid does that!

Happy 7th Birthday!




Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Happy happy 7th birthday!!

~ Noelle said...

Awe, how funny and sweet.
happy birthday!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I really like how you worte that to him. So sweet and something he can look back on. Happy birthday Mica!

Eat To Live said...

Happy Birthday Mica!! I have watched him get bigger in the time I have been reading your blog. They grow up sooooo fast.

Petula said...

Awww... Happy Birthday to your young man. My middle daughter is also 7. It's an interesting and fun age, isn't it? :-)

Nancy said...

A fun age for a young man! xo


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