Monday, December 3, 2012

Sort of Like Gum, But Not

We still have Halloween candy left. I think I'm taking it in to class and giving my students a piece for our midterm review game. Last night I let Isaak have 3 small pieces. He picked Laffy Taffy as one of his choices.

He started chewing it and said, "WOW this is just like gum, but not!" I think I've only given him Glee Gum a few times because I knew it is better for you than other gum brands. There's always that chance they'll swallow it.

Isaak went to Mica's room and repeated, "WOW this is just like gum, but not!"

Then he went to Daddy, who was in our room and repeated,  "WOW this is just like gum, but not!"

I'm surprised he didn't go to the front porch and scream out, "WOW this is just like gum, but not!"


Theresa Mahoney said...

LOL, that's funny! Gotta love what comes out of the mouths of kids. I do agree, Laffy Taffys are like gum, but not!

~ Noelle said...

I used to love that as a kid... now, its just not as good to me

What I Did Today said...

Confession: I still love Laffy Taffy. So, it's like gum that melts in your mouth. ;)

Masshole Mommy said...

I LOVE Laffy Taffy. My boys each got some for Halloween this year and I ate it all :)

Anonymous said...

Haha. He says the cutes things. I know it's not the best of choices but when I'm traveling and happen across banana flavored laffy taffy I am ON IT!

mail4rosey said...

Laffy Taffy is delicious. You know, kind of like gum...but not. ;)


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