Monday, October 7, 2013

Busy Bees

Mixed brood comb. Flickr photo by Gord Campbell

At Work

It's midterm time at the college I teach at. This time always = a busy time. I'll do my best to get back to people. I'll try my best to return comments; not because I have to, but because I want to. If I let one comment back at ya slip, at least you understand why. Next week I'll be MUCH better!

This year in particular is a crazy year. I'm changing all my handouts, tests and keys over to the program InDesign. The information will copy over, but the font, size and styles will not. I also have been catching my own errors. I guess now is a great time to see them! At least I get to look forward to this time next year; all the documents will already be transferred over!

One of my books went out of print. With all the new reading assignments, I bet I'm one of the only ones that's reading it! I do have to read it because I have PowerPoints on the reading assignments, and test over them. Art students in general do not like to read. This new book is move advanced than their last one. That's both good and bad. Good because it gives them a jump start into understanding how design and typography work. Bad because it goes through things faster than my lectures previously went. I've decided to leave my lectures where they are at, and build new, additional ones that go over the reading. Repeating isn't always bad. Especially if things are explained in an entirely different way.

At the Y

Isaak and Mica went into a non competitive swim team. Mica kept up. Isaak did not. Isaak's a good swimmer for his age, but they were having him do strokes he was never taught. They put him in a swimming lesson that was at the same time. That to was too hard as well. Mica's continuing on with the swim team. Isaak took many steps forward, and many steps back. I only wanted him to move up one lesson. Soon we'll get it right.

Mica still loves Jiu Jitsu. We'd love to put Isaak in there to, but you have to be age 6 and up to join that one. There is no way we'd be able to make it to the Y at 5:15 for him to participate with the younger class.

At School

The school has put in game nights for each class; on different nights. The only trouble is, is that siblings can't go. One of us (me) has been going. It's a good thing. I now get why they have them on different nights. It's to exchange phone numbers, and to get to know parents better. Then play dates can happen.

At Home

We had 2 play dates this weekend; one for each kid. They went well, but Isaak was super excited; so much so that he was showing off, and having a hard time understanding that you have to still listen to Mom and Dad. Now we have to go over friend etiquette with Isaak. It's Isaak's first friend over from this school. He was trying to be goofy to make his friend laugh. Then when it was time to pick up, Isaak still wanted to be goofy. His friend was doing all the pick up work. I think showing off is normal. It's just that we have to talk to him more about how to act when friends come over. It made me feel much better when Mica's friend's Mom came to pick up her son, and told us she had problems with her son when her older daughter has friends over.


Today is a catch up day. I have two reviews to write. One being a giveaway. I also want to blog for a post to go up Tuesday night, a post to go up on Wednesday night and another to go up on Thursday night. Do you pre-post, or post right away?


Optimistic Existentialist said...

A non-competitive swim team sounds like fun. I would like to do that. I have no swimming ability whatsoever!!

Masshole Mommy said...

That's a bummer that siblings can't attend game night, but I guess the rules are the rules.

Theresa Mahoney said...

My kids tend to break the rules when their friends are over. I am constantly on them, their friends must think I'm a real jerk lol.

I try to pre-schedule my posts as often as I can. I usually don't log online until after noon when I've gotten all my daily stuff done, but that doesn't always happen. I have about 6 reviews sitting here right now that need worked on, I just haven't found the time either. I guess we are both in the busy bee hive this week!

Eat To Live said...

I have no idea why... but I have been busier than a one armed paper hanger.

mail4rosey said...

I wish that I pre-scheduled my posts, but I rarely do. In fact, I have only done so a handful of times, and once when I went on vacation and had guest posts going up.

Good luck w/mid-terms. I'm sure the students are all crazy busy about now too!

Unknown said...

I've never seen bee's house in person. I'm afraid of their bites. haha

~ Noelle said...

we have yet to do play dates at a house... its been at the park :)


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