He was comparing himself to so and so in the classroom. Mica got awarded in the past.
I said, "Isaak this isn't about so and so, or Mica, this is about you. You have to have good behavior to get an award. It may, or may not happen right away. Your teacher can't give awards to everyone at once."
He seemed to understand. For four days in a row he said, "I had a green dot for good behavior today Mom!"
Now he has an award that he deserved. He's happy about it.
What do you think of school awards?
Good for him :-)
Congrats to your little man! Love that happy face!
Yay Isaak! Good for him. Things like those little awards work wonders - I see it with my own kids, too.
Kids really do love getting those little awards. Allison was excited to get a little paw buck for good behavior the other day. While she is good every day, this was the first "paper" recognition she received and it really brightened her day!
Way to go Isaak! He looks like he is really proud of his award!
Congrats to Isaak!!! He deserves a bad of Reese's Cups.
way to go!!!
congrats... he looks so happy
Yay Isaak... Good job! He looks so happy.
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