Sunday, August 10, 2014

Dear Mica,

You are 9 years old today! You are 1 year from being a decade old.

Your three favorite things to do are: 
  1. Reading - Your favorite books right now are:

  2. Ricky Ricotta's Mighty Robot Collection, history books *especially ones that are about inventors, I Survived Series

  3. Playing with Legos

  4. The Lego Movie is popular this year, so those are the set's you've been asking for.

  5. Watching Movies

  6. You don't just watch movies, you examine the credits. You know more actor's names in movies than I often do. You have a wide variety of movies that you like (lucky for us). You talk the most about The Lego Movie, Indiana Jones, and Back to the Future.

Reading a classic nursery rhyme book.

I've seen growth in you this year. I know kids are always growing. I'm talking about maturity growth. You play with your brother more. He's more of a friend to you instead of just someone that lives in this house. You are a hero to Isaak.

What if we all lived like heroes?

Your since of humor is changing. You don't approve of Isaak's Kindergarten/first grade jokes. I often hear fake laughter out of you.

It's common for you to stop me from what I'm doing, to go on and on about Indiana Jones, time machines, or Lego characters. You want anyone that is near you to be interested in whatever you feel like talking about.

You still believe...

You are in 3rd grade now. You have your doubts about Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. I think I've convinced you that they are real. Saint Nicholas is in the encyclopedia after all.

You honestly think you can make a time machine to go back in time to make Melissa Gilbert your wife. You love her on Little House on the Prairie.

Your favorite camp is your acting class at The Community Playhouse. You still dress up to go outside to play. I'm pretty sure our neighbors get a kick out of seeing you and your brother in full costumes.

You just got your yellow belt with white stripe in Jiu-Jitsu. You were so proud of yourself. If people let you, you're a pretty good teacher to the younger kids in the class.

Happy Birthday to my oldest son!

I love you,



Ai Sakura said...

Happy birthday Mica! :) wishing you all the best in the new year and may all your birthday wishes come true!

Love, Aunt Ai

Maryann D. said...

Hope he has a Wonderful Birthday, he is a terrific kid!!
twinkle at optonline dot net

Harry Flashman said...

Sounds like a fine boy. Maybe he is ready for a copy of "The Time Machine." Happy Birthday to him.

Indah Nuria Savitri said...

happy happy birthday, Mica...all the best in the nearest future. You are blessed with such incredible kids..He's e Leo, just like me :)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Happy birthday to him! Pierce likes those robot books too.

The Cranky said...

I hope you had a wonderful, fun birthday Mica! From now on, I'll remember the boy who shares my birthday. =)

Theresa Mahoney said...

Happy Birthday Mica! It's been really fun learning more about you this year. You are turning out to be a fine young man :)

~ Noelle said...

Hope he had a great birthday!!!!
I absolutely loved that first picture of him...

Eat To Live said...

What a sweet, sweet post Alissa. And, speaking of Santa Claus. My Daughter used to pretend to believe. Not sure why, but kids will be kids.


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