Thursday, January 22, 2015

Organic Seeds Sprouter Review

I'm already in the mood for spring. I love seeing the grass turn from brown to green, hearing the birds sing, sending the kids outside to play, and planting things we can eat.

Recently I got Organic Seeds Sprouter to Review. Cost: $15.90, and on sale for $12.90. I could choose between the following:

Beet seeds
Mustard seeds
Broccoli seeds

They are natural seed sprouts. I chose broccoli. It's not typical broccoli. It's sprouts. You can grow it, and have the sprouts on sandwiches, or salads. We have a lot of salads, so I imagine that's what we'll be having these sprouts on.

Packed Full

I like that the bag of seeds is packed full. I'll tell you why: The first and only time I tried getting them to grow I was not successful. I don't think there's anything wrong with the seeds. I just screwed it up.

I tried growing them 2 different ways:
  1. I folded a paper towel, wet it, put it on an egg holder, put the seeds on it, and kept spraying the paper towel. I kept clear plastic over the set up. First the seeds grew. Then they started molding. I took the bag off, and the paper towel kept drying up. That was that.

  2. I got a Chia Pet on clearance for super cheap. I soaked the seeds, and spread them on the Chia Pet. They grew a little bit, and that was it. I know that this planter isn't meant for these seeds, but I thought I'd give it a try. They are both sprouts.

Growing Them Different Now:

I'll admit that I don't have a green thumb. I'm trying. Dad does the garden work for the most part in the spring and summer.

I'm not giving up. The good thing is that there are plenty of seeds to try growing them again. I want my broccoli sprouts!

I don't think this is the products fault. It's mine. I just have trouble growing things. I get frustrated. It said they were easy to grow, but I failed. I'm thinking, If they are so easy to grow, how did I mess them up?


Sprouts are an excellent source of highly absorbable Vitamins including A, B, C, E and K, Chlorophyll, high quality balanced proteins, fibers, Minerals such as Calcium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Magnesium, Iron, zinc as well as trace Minerals, Carotene, Amino Acids, Enzymes, Anti-oxidants and Bioflavonoids.


Adds a little cabbagey flavor to your dish, with the slightest bit of tang. The broccoli sprout is quite humble in its flavor, but "full of itself" when it comes to nutrition! 

Maybe I'll be able to taste them the 3rd time I try and grow them. 

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Disclaimer: I'm writing this in connection to Tomoson. I got Organic Seeds Sprouter free for review. I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.



Masshole Mommy said...

I love sprouts. I definitely need to eat more, though.

Theresa Mahoney said...

I think I would eat them in salads too. I have a black thumb, so I would probably kill them off before they sprouted though lol.

mail4rosey said...

Glad I'm not the only one who has a hard time growing things. Doesn't keep me from trying, my outcome just usually isn't so great.

Ai Sakura said...

Good luck with the sprouts gardening! I'm not one with green fingers too so sorry no tips or help from me :P

Ai @ Sakura Haruka

The Cranky said...

I think the problem may be that you need a proper sprouter. Sprouts are pretty easy but do require proper growing conditions. This one is fairly easy and inexpensive, and you can find all the info. you need to sprout successfully online:

~ Noelle said...

i know what you mean about being your fault. you should have seen us the first time we tried the chia pet :)
ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaa
but we got it figured out now!

Eat To Live said...

I have never tried growing broccoli sprouts, but now you are making me want to try them.
I think growing sprouts in the winter in areas like ours cause mold to grow. We don't get the sunshine in the winter like some of the more southern and more western states.


The opinions on this blog are my personal take on products and topics relating to motherhood. This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me.

I am not compensated to provide opinions on a variety of topics. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are my own. If I claim to show knowledge of certain topic or product I will only endorse products or services that I feel, based on my expertise, are worthy of such endorsement.

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