Friday, August 28, 2015

Random Tid Bits

  1. Isaak laid down with me on the couch the other night and said, "Mom you're epic." I'm thinking he got that one from school. 

  2. One of my friends on FB saw my paintings, and wants me to paint her daughter a cat for her birthday. The only trouble that she wants it done in an anime style. It's a style I do not get into at all. I'm trying to be open minded. It's extra money, and the style she wants will take less time to do than the stuff I normally work on. She approved my drawing, the cost, so now it's time for me to paint.

  3. I've been getting a project ready for my students. It's one I share most every year. I come up with 2 gigantic posters, cut them up into rectangles, or squares. Each student gets one piece from each poster. They are not told what the images are. They pull out different techniques to work on the images. I took the main photo, and add in things I've found. I still have to finish adding some shadows and stuff. I have a good start on the first image. Now what to do for the second one? Should I make a land of fairies? How about a trip back to the zoo to get photos of flamingos? I could make a world of real flamingos with garden flamingos. Do garden gnomes freak you out?

  4. We're on season 3 of Dexter. I like the guy. So much of me wishes he'd stop killing. My anxiety level goes up every time he kills someone. 

  5. The boy were cracking up when I showed them Just for Laughs Gags on YouTube. Travis liked the Cactus Prank the most.


Cascia Talbert said...

You are very creative. I like the flamingo idea. Zoos are a lot of fun. Have a great weekend.

The Cranky said...

How about flamingo fairies for fun?

Isaak is right, you ARE epic!

The Cranky said...

How about flamingo fairies for fun?

Isaak is right, you ARE epic!

Theresa Mahoney said...

I like garden gnomes. Probably because I love that Gnomeo and Juliet movie so much lol.

Harry Flashman said...

I have never watched Dexter. The basic idea puts me off somehow. My brother T likes it though.

Garden Gnomes don't bother me. We had one for a long time, til he fell (or was pushed by a cat) off his little stand in the flower and broke.

Masshole Mommy said...

Dexter is on our list of shows to watch on Netflix. We have a long list, though, so I am not sure when we will get to it.

~ Noelle said...

Lol. Broxton says epic so much these days, it drives me crazy.
I think it's great your friend asked you to do the painting, it will mean more to them. We have owls for the theme for Savannah's room... when broxton was a baby his was monkeys and a dear friend did a monkey painting... we still have it 6 years later... it's in the closet, but has so much meaning to us. Lol
Go with gnomes, I think they are pretry cute


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