Monday, August 31, 2015

Student Council

This year Mica was able to run for Student Council. Back up a moment: Running for Student Council is something I would have NEVER done. Mica has a confidence that I never had. He knew right away that he wanted to run. 

He wrote a speech. It basically said that he was going to make things better at his school. Travis and I kept asking, "How are you going to make things better?" He knew he wanted things better, but didn't know how. I told him that he sounded a bit like our current president. He stood for hope and change, but no one really asked what that hope and change would be about.

I gave Mica a few ideas of how I might make a school like his better. Then I told him to brainstorm on ideas of his own. He failed miserably the first night. Meaning that he wouldn't listen to me, refused to brainstorm, and he had attitude. I sent him to bed early that night. I said, "If I'm trying to help you, you have to work with me. A leader doesn't have attitude."

The next night he was on a roll. Maybe he needed that extra sleep!

In his speech he included 1/2 of my idea, and 1 new idea that he came up with to make his school a better place.

I said to have a Farmers Market to replace a fundraiser. He changed it to expanding the school garden to have fruits and veggies. The students could help with it. The fruits and veggies could be sold as a fundraiser, or used to go along with school lunches.

His other idea to help the school is to have a friendship program. He said that everyone would be assigned a friend that they would write weekly, and give special cards to during holidays. That way no one would be friendless. I was pretty happy that he came up with that idea!

He kept saying that he knew he'd win because he's popular, and well liked. Ok so that does play into things, but I was trying to get him off that mindset. This boy's main flaw is that he can get cocky. I kept telling him not to brag, and to give others compliments. 

Towards the end of the week I asked him who he thought gave the best speech? He said someone's name. Then I asked who he voted for? He listed off his friend's names, and not the person who gave the best speech. We talked a little more about voting in who you believe in. It's hard for a 4th grader to understand. They believe in their friends. It didn't matter to him who gave the best speech. I hope we got through to him. It's all a learning lesson.

There's 3 kids on the Student Council Board from each class. He was voted in. Will he be able to make the changes to the school that we talked about? Maybe. Changes like that usually have to come from higher ups. At least I got him to think! That he did effectively.


Theresa Mahoney said...

Congrats to Mica for making student council. I love his friendship idea. It's a great way to encourage being nice to each other all year long!

Masshole Mommy said...

Good for him. In our school, the student council is huge and anyone that wants to be on it, can be. It's just one big team - not like in our day with 4 positions.

Tamara Narayan said...

It's great that you encouraged him to think about what being on this committee means after the election. It seems that the election is the whole thing and what happens afterward disappears at the school level.

Anonymous said...

Very cool, congrats to him! I didn't (and still don't) have the confidence for that sort of thing, so props to him!

~ Noelle said...

So glad he is getting so active in making a difference in his school

Maryann D. said...

Good for him for wanting to be on the student council. Good luck and congrats Mica.
twinkle at optonline dot net

Indah Nuria Savitri said...

way to goooo Mica...He will definitely learn a lot in the Council. I used to join the student Council since Junior High and it was fun :)

Eat To Live said...

He sure is growing up Alissa. Student Council. What's next?


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