I decided that I'd draw on crazy eyebrows with my eye pencil towards the end of the day when they were feeling just fine.
Isaak decided that wasn't enough, so he found my pencil, and drew on a beard too.
Needless to say it was hard to get off. I scrubbed the poor boy's face.
The next day it looked slightly raw.
The day after that his skin was peeling. I applied coconut oil. That made his face super red. I dabbed at his face with water and a washcloth to remove the oil, and added non scented lotion, which made his face even worse!
It was time to send the doctor's office these images. I kept the message brief.
I should note that I rarely contact the doctor's office, but when I do it's always some skin issue. Mica, Isaak and I all have sensitive skin!
I should note that I rarely contact the doctor's office, but when I do it's always some skin issue. Mica, Isaak and I all have sensitive skin!
In the meantime I had him on some Benadryl, which helped a lot.
Nurse on Monday Morning: Try some Cortaid, which is a mild Steroid Cream. By the way how did this happen? What was put on his face to make it this way?
I ran through the whole story, and sent the photo of our horrible eyebrows. Can you imagine what their office was thinking that day?
I Get a Message Back From the Nurse: That's a funny picture, but what do you need?
Apparently we weren't on the same page. I found out she was a different nurse. It's no wonder that she didn't know what in the heck I was talking about.
Here's Isaak's as of yesterday. The redness is gone, but he still has peeling on his face.
I Get a Message Back From the Nurse: That's a funny picture, but what do you need?
Apparently we weren't on the same page. I found out she was a different nurse. It's no wonder that she didn't know what in the heck I was talking about.
Here's Isaak's as of yesterday. The redness is gone, but he still has peeling on his face.
My daughter is ging through a really bad case of candida and her lips are so swollen, she is trying everything and going to dermatoligist to see if theres anything more she can do besides diet. Hope you find out what he's got going on.
Wow, sometimes play goes wrong. Hope the healing goes quick.
That first photo is hilarious lol
Hope you got it sorted in the end, I suffer with psoriasis and steroid creams work for me but not for long periods. Moisturiser like 50-50 would help a lot for the scaling
Have a tanfastic week :-}
Yikes, who would have even thought that could happen!! Makes you wonder if there's something harsh in the pencil we really shouldn't be using. Glad he's healing up now!
Poor kid! That looks like it hurts! Have you ever tried Bag Balm on the dry, flaky skin? You can buy it at the drugstore, It's in a small green tin. It's made for cow udders, but works wonderfully on humans too.
Poor kid. Guess he learnt a lesson?
We have tried Bag Balm when the boys were babies for their rashes. I forgot all about that stuff.
Oh man, my son did something similar when he was a child (but with a Sharpie)! Looks like he's healing rather well, whew!
Hope he heels fast.
Maybe they should put a warning label on sharpies ;-)
It's nice to see him smiling again in the last photo :) Poor kid. Lesson learned though?
Poor little one. I know how uncomfortable skin irritation can be. I am so happy he is feeling better. We had better be careful with those pencils. Geesh!!
Oh my goodness! Poor Isaak! :( You've had your hands full! What is they say? "It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt?" :( I'm guessing it was an allergy, but it's odd that his skin is still like that. But I'm not a nurse, so… Hopefully, his skin continues to improve.
Hope Isaak is getting better by now.. we really have to be careful with all those ingredients indeed. I am glad we all have regular skin. But we still have to be catious
Reminds me of a line I read somewhere. "It was the kind of day, where every cat one stroked flew in one's face."
Some days, you just can't win!
The flu is going around something awful here. Hope your boys are spared that, it's really a rough one.
That is a funny picture, but what do you need.
LOL, imagine what she was thinking.. but at the same time, I would have been like WTH, why can't the first nurse stay on our file?
oh well... glad he's better now.
that sucks he had to deal with it though
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