Tuesday, April 11, 2017

WW: NEsA Testing {Linky}

Mica, "Mom I started my NEsa Testing at school today. Thanks for the letter for encouragement!"

Me, "You're welcome. How do you think you did?"

Mica, "I feel like I did good."

Me, "Does it make you nervous when you take those tests?"

Mica, "No. I actually think they are fun."

Me, "Mica you are so different than I was with that. I hated those tests."


stevebethere said...

He seems very enthusiastic which is a good thing LOL @ the face pulling :-)

Have A NEsatastic week :-)

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Congratulations! He's confident and enjoying the testing - that's a win right from the beginning.

Theresa Mahoney said...

Glad he likes test taking! I'm terrible at it and always hated taking them in school!

~ Noelle said...

I love how much he loves school.
Best wishes for great test taking.

Harry Flashman said...

I expect the teachers dread the tests more than the kids. I did.

Rhonda Albom said...

Mica is quite brave and confident. I think very few are fond of taking tests at school.

csuhpat1 said...

He did well. Very nice.

Karren Haller said...

Hes so cute!!! Thanks for hosting!!!

Mandy said...

I don't even know what a Nesa test is. How awesome that he thinks he did well! And so sweet of you to write him a note of encouragement! :)


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