You could also use it in a relaxing bath.
I've used a lot of different essential oils, but never have used this one. It smells really good! I diffused it this weekend. A few drops go a long way. Thankfully Gya Labs doesn't add extras in their oils.
It's a great that I went out on Saturday to take photos because on Sunday we had snow on the ground. I'm not looking forward to indoor only shots.
Where to Get Gya Labs Ylang Ylang:
You can pick up a bottle on Amazon for $9.49. That's a great price!
It is on Amazon Prime, so no shipping if you are a Prime Member.
There's .34 ounces in a bottle, but there's no fillers, bases, or additives.
what’s you favorite essential oil?
Disclaimer: I got this product for a discounted price in exchange for an honest review. The company did not tell me what to say.
I haven't tried ylang ylang, but hear it's great for hair. I think putting Jasmin in my essential oil diffuser is my favorite, but I also like lavender to help me sleep.
yang yang is good and soft, but I also like lemongrass and berries, Alissa. So fresh!
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