Travis, my husband has had quite a few studio visits, which is great, but his studio is the basement of our home. Lots of cleaning up.
Isaak's needed help with school work. More so than other years. He's just never connected with his teacher at all. He's also in a lot of basketball, so we run here and there for him.
I have a different teaching schedule this semester. It's doable. Just hard to get used to.
Now that I've given you the rundown, let's get started...
Mica's quite the character. He gets for the most part A's in school, he wins a lot of things, but if you ask him to do a task a home it's so very frustrating. Isaak, which is 2 years younger than Mica can move circles with chores around Mica. Mica's a great kid, just kind of lazy at home. We joke about how he uses most of his brain power at school.
Recently Mica was picked by his teachers to leave school to merge up with other middle schoolers, for a fun challenging day. They participated in something called Think Tank. I'm not sure what it all involves. I do know they put kids in random groups. They are not placed with kids from their school. They get a problem of sorts, and have to think how to solve it. Mica's group got 2nd place! He came home with a trophy and dog tags.
He also found out that he won 1st place for his Science Fair Project! That's a pretty big deal considering the school he goes to is a Science Magnet School. We thought his board would go on to the next level up, but I guess they went by ribbons. He gets a special ceremony at school. His project was on how long it takes to bleach different colors of hair. True fact: It took longer to bleach the red head's hair than it did the brown head's hair.
Funny tid bit: The girl Mica likes doesn't like him at all. Her parents walked over, Mica shook their hands, started explaining his board. Her Dad said to his daughter, "See this boy has his stuff together!" Ha! We all had a laugh about that at home.
Other things I don't have photos of:
Mica was picked to participate in the Geography Bee at school, for the second year in a row. He didn't win. It's still a big deal he was picked at all to participate.
He's really into an extra thing called Quiz Bowl. It's kind of like Jepardy, only there's no answering with a question. There are meets every other week. Mica's school group got 2nd place last Saturday! The school gets that trophy. There's tons of smarty pants kids that participate in Quiz Bowl, so it's pretty cool his school got that far!
He was selected to take his ACT's, and does that this upcoming Saturday. We signed him up for the science selection. It will be interesting to see how he does.
What a nice post glad to hear your feeling better now and almost back in the swing as they say heheh!
I liked the photos good to see they like to participate and do well school too :-)
Have a busytastic week and thanks for pirouetting by :-)
Lots of good things going on for your oldest! Big congrats to him on all of the above! I'm sorry to hear your youngest doesn't really gel with his teacher this year. Our son hasn't connected with his teacher this year either, but it's okay...doable. Nothing worth complaining about. She just doesn't like that he's quiet. He's always been introspective, but he's not at all an introvert. She is very young, and just doesn't 'get it.' It's okay, but frustrating sometimes. He's always gotten great grades but she gives him 1's (the lowest) for participation. We had a parent/teacher conference and she said he answers anything she asks him, but she wants him raising his hand to volunteer. -_- He gets frustrated that that's her thing, and she gets frustrated that it isn't his. I just wish she didn't take it out on his report card.
Congrats to Mica! Awesome kid you have here, A!
Happy WW!
Way to go Mica! Allison can be lazy too, but when she sets her mind to something, so can usually excel too. I guess they are just motivated by things that really spark their interest instead of us telling them what to do.
Congrats! That is exciting!
Very cool. Congrats to him and wonderful job. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Congrats to Mica on his awards and good school work!
Congrats! Smart kid :)
I could have told you red hair takes forever... I used to get highlights/ lowlights.. but it takes so long, I gave up on that...
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