Early last week I noticed that my body scrub was being used a lot, by someone.
Later in the week it was gone.
I said, "Ok if you're going to use my body scrub, you're going to learn how to make some."
I looked up a few recipes, to base mine off of.
Grapefruit Body Scrub by on Scribd
How to Make if You Don't Want to Read the Instructions Above:
Every body scrub I've made has been easy to make. This one is no exception.
Citrus Pulp/Peeling:
I've been on this kick to dry out orange, lemon, lime and grapefruit pulp/skin. So far I've used the ground up pulp to: 1. Add to loose leaf tea. Just add a bit, or it gets bitter. 2. Add to protein powder, for smoothies. 3. Add to white sugar. Then when I make things like muffins, scones, waffles and pancakes I'm using less white sugar, and some pulp/skin of a citrus fruit for a natural sweetness.
How to Dry Out Citrus Peeling and/or Pulp:
Wash the skin, set it in a bowl by the window to dry out. If you're in the kitchen you can set the peeling/pulp in a sprayed pan, set your oven to 250 or 300 degrees and bake it. That will speed up the drying time.
Cut it in chunks, and grind it up in a food processor. If you want a fine grind, run it through a coffee grinder. With the body scrub you only need to partially dry it, and grind it up with a food processor.
Instructions and Directions to Make the Body Scrub:
It's so easy Isaak could do it!
Get out a medium mixing bowl.
Add in 1/2 cup sugar, 1 cup grapefruit or other citrus fruit grounded peel/pulp, 1/4 cup melted coconut oil, 1/2 cup melted shea butter, and 10 drops of grapefruit essential oil or other citrus fruit essential oils.
*Note: You can add more sugar if you need it more scrub like.
*Note: You can add more sugar if you need it more scrub like.
Mix, and pour into a few small mason jars, or containers you have laying around that are not being used.
That's it!
I'm on a Grapefruit Fix, and Isaak Loves Grapefruit too:
I thought the mix would only fill up one container, but it filled up two! Thank goodness I had two empty containers. Make sure you have lids. I've noticed that some scrubs don't do well if water gets to them.
It helps remove the dead skin cells with exfoliation. This scrub is a mild body scrub that moisturizes as it allows for absorption into the skin. Certainly it helps keep skin healthy.
Why Citrus Pulp/Peel:
Citrus peels are packed with immune-boosting vitamin C, bone-building calcium and anti-inflammatory, antioxidant bioflavonoids. They also provide potassium, which helps keep blood pressure in check, and limonene, a phytochemical that may have anti-cancer effects and can help with heart burn.
What I love the most is that the ground pulp/peel replaces the fine plastic used in some commercial scrubs.
Why Coconut Oil:
Coconut oil may be linked to some potential benefits for skin, including reducing inflammation, keeping skin moisturized and helping heal wounds. The medium-chain fatty acids found in coconut oil also possess antimicrobial properties that can help treat acne and protect the skin from harmful bacterial such as staph infections and eczema.
Just a Note: In the Philippines they use coconut oil a lot. In their cooking, and on their skin. They have less inflammatory diseases, and less skin conditions than we do in the US.
Why Shea Butter:
Shea butter also contains healthy fatty acids. ... There is a high level of cinnamic acid which makes Shea butter a natural sunscreen. Shea butter has anti-inflammatory properties that make it useful in treating arthritis. Shea butter has powerful moisturizing, anti-aging, protecting and healing benefits to the skin.
Just a Note: It's best to not use a ton of Shea Butter. It can clog up the pores in your skin. That's why I partner it up with other things. For the most part it's great for you. If you have a lot of acne you may want to replace the shea butter with coconut oil. You'd just use a lot of coconut oil.
Follow Up:
Isaak took another shower. I told him to make it quick because he just had one the night before. I just wanted the pollen out of his hair, and for him to clean up a bit because he had a soccer game. He took awhile again. He yelled out, "Mom I know you told me to be quick. I just had to try out our body scrub. It smells and works great!" I guess I can't blame him, for wanting to try something we made.
Do you use a body scrub? Have you ever made your own?
Disclaimer: This is not a post that is a review of a particular product. I wrote this solely on my own accord.
I use it occasionally but I should make grapefruit. I LOVE that scent! Do you know how long it lasts when you make it?
@ Lizz discard after 6 months. Store one can last longer (12 months) because of the additives in them.
I usually make a coffee or brown sugar scrub, but I think I'd really love this grapefruit scrub. I'm definitely going to be making this asap!
Fun fact..
HATE the flavor of grapefruit... LOVE the smell of it though :)
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