- Before our trip we couldn't get Isaak to stop watching this street artist. He loves anything with demos.
- We always talk when we eat breakfast in the morning. One morning Mica was saying that people with pitch black skin are beautiful. I said, "I think it would cool to get a photo of them standing next to someone that's an albino." I think that's already been done, but still cool.
Isaak had no clue what the word "Albino" is. Now when he doesn't know what a word means, which there are a lot of words we tell him the spelling, make him look it up, and use it in a sentence. His sentence that day, "Albinos are weird looking people with no pigment in their skin." We had a talk about how people with Albinism are not weird looking people. Kids are born knowing everything though. They have to be educated. To me people with Albinism are fascinating! - The urban word that is banned in the Apel household is: WENIS. It's the skin on someone's elbow.
When we were out and about Mica would say, "Mom nice wenis!", "Mom I love to play with your wenis!", and "Wow what a big wenis you have!" He knew exactly what it sounded like, and said these things loud, so strangers could hear. Serves me right. I know where he gets that type of humor. It's from my father and myself. I laughed the first few times, then had enough. The urban word is now banned. - It's been a long time, since I've read an actual book. I mean I read online all the time. I read parts of books for classes, but not an actual book. Over our vacation I read a 600 page book. How impressive is that? Do you read books?
- A student I had posted a picture of someone that attached and sexually assaulted her. She can't do much because it's passed the statue of limitations, but a few of her friends were attached and sexually assaulted by the same guy. That's why she posted. She wants people to come forward. She herself wasn't actually penetrated by him, so that's why she didn't turn it in to the cops.
Anyhow he's in the same industry I'm training my students to go in. He's worked on big projects here, in fact there's a painting of him on a brick building in north Omaha. He's won a lot of awards. He's friends with political figures here. I was reading his twitter feed. His twitter handle is @iCreateGreat. A cocky, big wig that lures young women models to take photos of them. Then he expects sexual favors back. It sickens me. I hate that some of my friends are friends with him.
When Mica was sleeping on the love seat I wanted to say, "Mica your wenis is sticking up!"
Oh my gosh, kids can be SO embarrassing!
Yeeikes about the attacker. That is awful. Good for her for saying something, even if the statute of limitations has gone by. As for the book, I don't get to read much during the school year, but this summer we're not traveling (my sister couldn't watch my cat and I don't trust anyone else to do it for various reasons...the oldest would have been a contender but he has a German Shep. pup my cat would NOT like). ;) so I had free time (loving it!) and have been reading. It's nice! I usually say no to review books, unless they are for kids but I said yes to this one and I'm reading a little each night. :)
Have a wonderful weekend!!
Wenis and Wagina OMG, lol! My girls would be too embarrassed to even joke about those words with us.
I also think pitch black skin is gorgeous!
Yes, I read actual books every night before bed. I can't fall asleep without reading for 15 minutes or so to calm my mind from the day.
That's terrible about that guy. He deserves to be called out for his behavior!
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