- I gave a 20 to 30 minute talk this morning at work. I talked in a room full of high school art teachers. A few people I work with along with my boss were in the room too.
- I have to admit I was a little nervous. Probably because I was speaking to a different audience then what I'm used to. I feel this same nervousness when I get up to talk on the day of graduation. I sometimes feel like talking to people that are teachers themselves are critiquing me.
- I give presentations for 2 hours, 3 days a week to college students, and do fine. I've set up in my mind that most of the new students are younger then me, just starting out, timid and again new. Later on when I have the seniors I know them and just feel comfortable.
- I talked about my own work:
- My main topic was how the gap between painting and illustration is getting smaller.
- I used Mark English as an example:
Mark English's Illustration's
- Fred Otnes was another main example.
- He made 3 shifts in his artistic career: A realistic illustrator, decided to incorporate printing techniques into his illustrations and now a painter. Here is his work:
Mark English's Painting
Fred Otnes' Illustration's
Fred Otnes' Painting
- My talk went well. I always think after talking, "Why was I nervous?"
- One of the high school art teacher's went to Kansas City Art Institute (where I went), so we had a lovely talk! Another teacher was headed down to Savannah College of Art and Design for a workshop (where I went to grad school). He once lived in Atlanta, we talked about that as well. We had a great conversation!
- A few of my co-worker's heard some of the high school art teachers say, "This is the best workshop we've been to!" That is so nice to hear! Especially since we devote a lot of time into doing what we do here.
- I liked the speaker my boss had come in from SKAR advertising. His talk was on Social Networking. That was interesting to me.
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