He lost it on the way down to KC. It's a great thing that mommy remembered to bring his Tooth Fairy box that Aunt Becky bought him! ;) He has another loose tooth. I told him that he can now drink out of a straw without opening his mouth!
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The straw thing is just funny lol
:) it's quite awkward with the gap...i used to touch with my tongue all the time...
hahaha....no need to opem mouth for a straw
such fun times & memories! will the tooth fairy stop by? Faythe @GMT
Hahahaha! So cute! If he keeps losing teeth, he'll get to be a jack-o-latern in time for Halloween!
haha, my girl recently lost hers. Her new one was already growing in too! I LOVE a toothless grin - such a sign of childhood and growing up
Good thing. Looks like the other one is already there. lol. We've also been having lots of toothfairy visits lately.
That is the same one that Johnny just lost too. :)
Too cute! Good on you for remembering the tooth fairy box!
Yay! That is so funny about the straw!
Thanks for the linky! :)
Musings From a SAHM
How exciting! :)
How cute! Congrats! My daughter recently lost her first and has another loose tooth, too. Exciting times!
I have saved all of my son's teeth - I just new where I put them!
Great pic!
Funny my son just lost a tooth too. It was my 10 year old so it's one of his last though.
awwwww, snaggletooth! :)
love it
That's the one my daughter is working on right now. The one next to it was her first one lost. She also has the permanent teeth coming in behind those.
my middle son lost his first awhile ago and it is so bitter sweet
Well congrats to him. I also agree that the straw comment is funny
YAY!! Congrats on a lost tooth!
New follower!
He looks like he wants a medal or something. lol He's too cute. Thanks for sharing. Wanna hear something weird? I have all my children's baby teeth. I have 4 & they're all married. LOL Have a good one! Watch out for that tooth fairy - I hear they don't leave quarters anymore! Shesh! inflation!
I don't know why but missing teeth always give me the heebie-jeebies... Congrats to Mica though!
LOL!! How cute!
Happy WW!
That is cute! I hope the tooth fairy was prepared with some cash....she has been known to nearly drop the ball around here if you catch my drift! Happy Wednesday! Be sure to link up!
Aww, I bet he was excited to use the tooth fairy box!
YAY! Congrats on the milestone! :)
WooHoo! Congrats to your little man! :) And so it begins... ;)
WW: First Day of 3rd Grade
What a clever idea to have a tooth box to collect his teeth!!!
my oldest can't wait to lose a tooth. Weird girl :p
Awesome photo ~ Congrats to Mica ~namaste, Carol (A Creative Harbor) aquariann's Wordless Weds ~ enjoy
Lori @ http://la-lashomedaycare.blogspot.com/
Am I right that I can see the replacement tooth already?
He's so cute!
Very cute! Stopping by from the Wednesday Hop, I am your newest follower via GFC, from http://couponingfromfl2mi.blogspot.com/
I liked your comment about the straw. Haha.
Go, Mica!
Congrats to Mica! I want to see a photo of the tooth fairy box!!
-:¦:- WW: Purple Rose of Sharon -:¦:-
Yay Mica! It must have been so exciting when it came out. Thankfully, he didn't swallow it!
Do you plan on saving it? I saved both of my boys first teeth. Weird I know LOL But I saved all their firsts. :)
I know we all lost teeth growing up but tooth trauma is still one of my big fears.
Awww congratulations!!! That's so exciting! I would love it if you'd stop by my Wordless Wednesday pic to say hi! I have a cute photo of my boys up this week. :) Have a great day!
Mandi at boredombustingmommy.blogspot.com
Wow!!! Congrats Mica-Moose! :)
Funny baby! It's okay. One sign of growing up kid.
Congrats! =) I remember J being so proud when he lost his first tooth... and to think we almost lost it, --literally! He was having an English muffin when he put something on the table and told me it was a bone. Good thing I'd looked closely. It was his tooth!
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