If you can think of a nursery rhyme that fits any of the following, I'll be happy:
- Pirate
- A Davy Crockett type character {we have a hat}
- Doctor
- Bear
- Dinosaur
- Cowboy
- Sheriff
- Super Hero
Davy Davy Dumpling, Boil him in a pot; Sugar him, and butter him, And eat him while he's hot!
Mica was this Little Jack Horner:
I suppose I could have Isaak be that. I made a plum to fit on Mica's thumb. Then he took a baked pie for a treat. The name tag said: "Little Jack Honer. I'll need help going potty today."
I just was trying to think of ideas. This is so hard with boys!!! I wish I had a puppy costume. Isaak could be the little dog that laughed in Hey Diddle Diddle.
Ideas are welcome!!!
I have been wracking my brain trying to think of something. I can't think of a thing right now.
That one that goes "Doctor Gloucester went to Foster in a shower of rain. He stepped into a puddle right up to his middle and never went there again." Or "Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear, Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair, Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't fuzzy was he?" Those are the only ones I could think of.
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