Friday, May 25, 2012

Text as Image

There's a new site I found that's pretty fun! It's called You Are Words. All you do is download an image. Then you can type in a story, quote, any text really. Only it has to be at least 400 words. I downloaded my 4 year old. Then I put in words he likes to sing, "We all live in a lellow suverine." Now he sings it the right way. Oh well the old way is more cute! I copied and pasted it several times.

Then you can choose the color, contrast and font. Not too much to choose from, but still fun!

Next it's download time, or you can pasted a link to facebook or twitter. I didn't make it too serious. I would have thought more about what to say, so on and so forth. It's still pretty fun!

If you like fonts, go here to win a t-shirt!


~ Noelle said...

great... like i needed anything else to waste my time with online..
ha ha ha.. headed over now!

Eat To Live said...

That is so cool!! Going to go check out your other blog.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I said it on my last post but this too is pretty awesome! I need to set more time aside to do some more fun stuff like this. I like how he couldn't sing it quite right and like you mentioned to me, hope it's recorded! I still have to find a recorder since ours isn't working. Hopefully I'll find a good sale!

JOY @ said...

I must give this a try and tell all my teacher friends about it.


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