Tuesday, May 8, 2012

WW: Then and Now {Linky}

These shots below were taken more than a few years back. Isaak was a baby and Mica was three years old.

Isaak can now wear the shirt Mica wore then. He sure has changed. He still has big dreamy or cartoon eyes.

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32 ounce jar of Coconut Oil from Tropical Traditions


yeewittlethings said...

Great photos and memories! Isn't it amazing how fast time seems to fly when you look back at pictures??


Theresa Mahoney said...

Isn't it so weird when your kids grow into their siblings clothes? I have a ton of pictures of my kids wearing the same thing at different times.

Your boys are too cute!

Liz Mays said...

Don't you love that you get two uses out of everything?!! They're such cute boys!

Becky Jane said...

That's so neat to see him in the same shirt his big brother wore. Did he feel totally cool?

Unknown said...

Beautiful family pictures! As the saying goes "A picture is worth a thousand words." I am a new Follower of your Blog. Thanks for hosting this linky!

Diana Mancuso said...

Wow! How much they've changed. Great pics!

Danielle S said...

Great looking set of boys. Thanks for sharing and having the linky.

Danielle @ Royalegacy

momto8 said...

you are lucky to have those beautiful pictures!

Ai Sakura said...

Wonderful memories!! thanks for hosting :)

Ai @ Sakura Haruka
Join in: Wordless Wednesday Linky Party

Eat To Live said...

They grow up so fast. Look at you...You look so cute. Love your full lips. When I smile, my upper lip disappears.

OrangeHeroMama said...

I love doing shots like this too! I saved a couple important items from big sis to little sis!

kewkew said...

I tend to get really sentimental with clothes. If it is an outfit I loved the girls in I am thrilled when the next one down can fit in it. But it is bittersweet because it means they are growing way too fast.
Love the memories you shared.

Unknown said...

Isn't it nice to sometimes looks back at old pictures?

Aleksandra Nearing said...

Love the family photos!

Catch My Words said...

Tell me about it. My babies have morphed into adults. Thanks for stopping by.


LOVE MELISSA:) said...

Love all the photos!

Meryl said...

Great photos...especially the kookie face!!!! Have a great week and thanks for hosting.

Mimi N said...

I loved taking pics of my youngest son wearing my oldest son's clothing. Amazing how fast they grow!

Christy Ann said...

It's so cool to see him as a baby and then grown up! I don't want my little guy to grow up, but I'm so curious what he's going to look like!

Maria Ontiveros said...

I love posts like this! I did one recently myself. Happy WW!

What I Did Today said...

Isn't it funny how much they change and yet still look the same?

Veronica Lee said...

Love the pics!! What a beautiful family!

Cami said...

Aww what precious photos :)

stevebethere said...

Love the family photos :-)

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by and linking up :-)

Kristin Aquariann said...

Cute memories captured! I don't have a sister, but many people have handed me down their clothes, which I love. ^.^

-:¦:- Featured Photo: Red Admiral Butterfly -:¦:-

carol l mckenna said...

fun family photos ~ thanks, namaste, ^_^

Stacy Uncorked said...

So CUTE! They grow so fast, don't they? :)

The Cockatiel Project

georgia b. said...

oh... so glad i clicked over to your blog via the w.w. link-up! i have an isaac, too {only with a "c"}!

your blog name and banner are a hoot! you seem like a happy and blessed mom! that's so cool! cute boys.

have a sweet day.

Unknown said...

It's nice to be able to pass down clothes =)

Anonymous said...

To me they still look just the same just bigger. I hate when they lose their baby fat and all when they start looking like little adults. LOVE when you can use hand me downs. I have always been on the giving end, never the receiving but that's ok.

~ Noelle said...

i love looking at how much kids change through the years... you are lucky to be able to have clothes from one to the other.. i have to go buy everything, unless i find great deals, it isn't that often


The opinions on this blog are my personal take on products and topics relating to motherhood. This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me.

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