Thursday, August 16, 2012

Funnies of the Week

First off if you didn't check out Mica's kick butt birthday party, do so. I didn't spend a lot and they had a BLAST! Just look a few posts down. Things are getting repeated this weekend due to the fact that we have only had his friend birthday party and not the one with family yet. Another Panda Cake, another Water Balloon PiƱata and more Slip N' Sliding on old movie posters. That will probably lead to more pictures.

Mica starts school this upcoming Monday. We have a Meet the Teacher night tonight. He got the teacher he wanted. His best friend got the other class. The friend's mom requested him getting the other class, Mica's class; after he said, "Oh I got the mean teacher." Now he's in Mica's class. I"m not sure how that happened, but YAY to the boys!

Isaak has a preschool meet up on Sunday. Things are picking up! That's not all bad.

Bedtime Funnies:


He always mostly goes potty after we put him to bed. Oh trust me I try the whole, "Sit down and go potty!" bit before hand. He sits and says, "I don't have to go!"

By the way he's back in a diaper at night. I took my readers advice and put him back in one. Well he's been dry ever since I wrote that post awhile ago. I'm using diapers because I had some stashed away {Left Overs}. Now I hear, "Mommy my diaper fell off." Oh and, "Mommy my diaper is hurting me." No clue what that's about. I'm about to try the training pants once again. It wouldn't surprise me if I try them and woops he'll start wetting the bed once again. Right now I'm going though diapers that he doesn't wet in at all. I reuse them because I put underwear under them, so he feels the wet and so I don't have to throw the clean diaper away every time. Oh Mommy dilemmas!

Isaak: "Mommy I have to go pooooooop!" He sort of drags out that word, so that's why I put in extra o's. 
Me Annoyed: "You know where the bathroom is at, GO!" 
Isaak: "Mommy come wipe me!" 
Me: "Isaak we're going to have to teach you to wipe your own booty." 
Isaak: "I can't. I can't wipe my butt until I'm older than you and taller than you!" 
Me: Mommy Sigh!

So he'll need to be trained how to do that when he doesn't want to be trained. That's always fun, NOT!


Mica has all these new toys. He's been getting distracted to say the least.

Me: "Mica it's time to stop playing and get your homework done." His Kindergarten teacher gave them homework for over the summer.
Mica: "But I want to play!" 
Me: "Give me those. I'm keeping the Lego Batman, Spider-Man and Joker for ransom until your homework is done and your teeth are brushed."
Mica: "Ok my homework is done. Now I get my characters back."
Me: "Nope! It's brush your teeth time."
Mica Dramatically: "Oh but I want to play!" 
Me Watching: He starts to brush his teeth, then picks up a book to look at it. I grab the book away. He grabs his characters back. I grab them back. Then he starts to dance, while brushing his teeth. I shot him a Mommy glare.
Mica: "Alright my teeth are brushed. Now I get my characters back." 
Me: "Nope! You lost them for picking up the book, dancing and so on." 
Mica: "Oh man! I'm going to bed!"
Me: "Good!" :)

For the record my kids usually go to bed very easily. Every babysitter tells me they do. So far I've been happy about that. These are just two situations that have happened recently.


Liz Mays said...

That's a good idea to have him wear training pants while in the diaper so you can reuse them!

Anonymous said...

It's always nice when they get the teacher they hope for.

Good idea about the undies under the diaper. I'd definitely reuse and if I had to I'd use other tape if the tabs stopped working. I was hoping you were going to say he thought the diaper was comfy like his trainers were.

LOVE that the mommy glare works. My youngest gives one back to me. Hopefully that's just because she's almost 3 and copies me so much! I can hope, right? :)

Liz @ Quirky Vistas said...

thanks for coming by Quirky Vistas and leaving me a sweet comment! Looks like you are having fun times with your kids. This is your life, one moment at a time. Hope you enjoy each one. I love that you are getting things down in writing. They will love reading those stories when they are older. As for the longest yard sale...your day will come! Looks like you have plenty to keep you busy right now!

Carletta said...

I just kept my grands for three weeks and your post makes me smile.
So glad I could take them back to their Mommy for the continued potty training. It's not an easy time. :)

Thanks so much for dropping by!

renae said...

See that smile on my face in my profile pic? That is me smiling at this post!!! and laughing, too!

You sounded so much like I did 30 years ago when my daughters were young and butts. hahahaha.

Eat To Live said...

LOL... by the sounds of it, Isaak is going to have you still wiping him when he goes to college. I had to laugh when you said he had to be older and taller than you. Kids!!

~ Noelle said...

i thought we had night time hard at times... lol...


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