Thursday, October 11, 2012


Today when I got to work, this is the scene in front of my car:

I think he was only 6 feet away. He didn't fly away when I shut my car door.

I don't know what he killed. I thought it was a rabbit, but now that I look at the pictures it looks like some kind of bird. I see feathers.

He looks ashamed! I know he wasn't, but he looks that way.

Remember to enter this low entry giveaway to win a pop up fan if you get a chance.


Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh this is fantastic I love hawks. He was more interested in dinner then what you were doing. Great pics. B

The Cranky said...

What gorgeous shots; like Buttons I love hawks! Thanks for the encouraging comment on my blog. =)

Carletta said...

These are excellent!
So glad he stayed around for you.

Anonymous said...

Incredible photos of the hawk.

Evelyn S. said...

Nature at work! Wonderful series of photos.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

He may have snagged himself a chicken. We've lost a few that way. Gorgeous pics!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Super photos- I am surprised he sat still for them!

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Wow, he's so handsome! I love hawks; except when they're flying over my chicken coop!

Pat said...

What a beautiful bird!

tiarastantrums said...

oh what did he get? We actually had one land right on our deck last week! My kids were so overjoyed - me not so much - I think he was looking for our (pet)bunny!

~ Noelle said...

Those are great shots you got!!!!

Eat To Live said...

What a GREAT shot. That Hawk didn't care how many pictures you snapped. He wasn't going anywhere.

carol l mckenna said...

Amazing shots and what an amazing look on the face looking down like he looked guilty ~ Wow~ (A Creative Harbor)

thanks for coming by and commenting ^_^

Anonymous said...

He does look worried about being caught. Your pictures are amazing.

Are We There Yet! said...

I still can't belive that thing just sat there and let you take pictures.

Good thing you didn't go to close to it.... 6 ft was close enough as far as I am concerned.

Felicia said...

So cool that you caught it so close!

Veronica Lee said...

WOW! What a majestic bird! How awesome that you get to see it up close!

Have a great weekend, A!

TexWisGirl said...

really great shots! they certainly can kill and devour when they want to. :)

Cuby said...

It seems that what he had killed was too tasty to leave alone and your car door just didn't phase him. Lovely photo.

MICKAN from QUEENS FIELD¸.•°`♥✿⊱╮ said...

Wow. Lucky you that have your camera ready to take this nice picture.

Nancy said...

The circle of life -- great capture!

Barbara said...

Wow, good timing and great capture!


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