Friday, March 21, 2014

E.P. Phone Home

We've watched E.T. twice this week. Why? Because I've been sick, and I can choose to watch whatever I want to. - I'm getting that from Isaak. He likes getting sick because he can watch whatever movies he wants.

Isaak usually wants nothing to do with E.T. "It's too scary Mom" he says. Even Mica was a little leery of the movie. I can understand; it starts out so dark, and ends on a sad/happy note. E.T. looks so real for his time to.

The boys keep talking about this movie. I've won them over.

Isaak keeps saying, "E.P. Phone Home."

Then Mica says, "Isaak it's E.T. not E.P.!" 
It's rather comical.

Mica keeps humming the known song from the movie. 

I was curious about some of the actors, and looked them up. I know many of them have been in other things. The oldest brother in the movie acted until he was in his 40s and now he's a mail carrier. The rest have been acting here and there their whole lives. The star Henry Thomas AKA Elliot was also in a Texas band called The Blue Heelers. I was trying to look up the band to use them for my music post I post every week, but I'm not finding anything. 

So what about you, are you a fan of E.T.

Take a look at Henry Tomas' audition to get the job. It's impressive. He's about the same age as Mica, and I don't think Mica could make tears appear that easily.


~ Noelle said...

I loved that movie as a kid...
have not watched in ages... maybe i should take a trip down memory lane :)

Eat To Live said...

That was probably the beginning of Drew Barrymores acting career. Great movie.

Theresa Mahoney said...

I do love that movie! Every time I eat Reese's Pieces I think of E.T. Did you know that they asked M&M's first for product placement and they said no because they didn't want their product associated with aliens or crazy things. Big mistake on their part!

Masshole Mommy said...

My two love ET! I tell them every time we watch it that I saw it back when it was first in the theaters. Man I am old LOL.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

This was actually the very first movie that I ever watched in the theater :)


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