Monday, January 26, 2015

40 Chalkboard Labels with Liquid Chalk Marker Review

I simply love DIY projects. Recently I got 40 Calkboard Labels with a Liquid Chalk Marker for review by Supreme Kitchen. You can buy them on Amazon for $39.99, but they are on sale for $14.84.

  1. I printed off words I wanted in the size and font I liked, rubbed white pastel on the back of the print outs, and traced the font on the label. You can skip this step if you so desire. Writing freehand will work just fine.

  2. I traced the pastel on the label with the liquid chalk marker. Using the marker is so easy. You just press down on the tip, shake it, and press down on the tip again until the liquid chalk comes out. It is hard to write really small. For the small type I tried white colored pencil, but it wouldn't show up enough. I didn't have a white charcoal pencil, but I imagine it would work. Just to be clear these labels are not meant for other medias than the liquid chalk marker. I'm just experimental. Other mediums wouldn't be dishwasher safe. The liquid chalk marker is dishwasher safe. In the end I went bigger with my fonts.

  3. After the marker dried, I took a dry paper towel and brushed off the remainder of the pastel from the transfer. The chalk marker doesn't come off with a dry paper towel. If you mess up completely you can wet a paper towel, and the chalk marker will come off.

  4. Peel off the sticker, and apply. The sticker is vinyl. It has a matte finish, which is why the liquid chalk marker sticks so well to it. It sticks on enough to stay still, but doesn't slip around.

  5. If at anytime you change your mind as to what you want the sticker to be labeled it can be wiped off, and peeled off. It's completely reusable. It's dishwasher safe, and BPA free. 

There are so many uses. In fact Supreme Kitchen sends you a PDF book of ideas.

Some Ideas Are: Office file use, kid toy bins, craft bins, mason jars, canisters, and the list goes on. They can be used for every day things, or events like parties. 

I knew right away that I wanted to use some of these labels for our canisters that sit out: Whole Wheat Flour, All Purpose Flour, Cane Sugar, and Almonds. Many of the specialty flours (Coconut Flour, Brown Rice Flour, and All Purpose Gluten Free Flour) are in bags in the freezer. I didn't make labels for those.

I also get made fun of at work for drinking some mysterious thing. It started when I drank out of mason jars. Sometimes I drink an Emergen-C, which looks suspicious. I decided to add to the joke, and label my water bottle. Now there's no mistaking my water for something else!

I also plan on using these labels when I can June Berry Jam next year. I can so much of it, and give them away as presents.

What would you use these labels for?

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I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


Theresa Mahoney said...

I think these would be such lovely labels for jarred gifts! I will have to think about ordering a set!

Veronica Lee said...

These are fantastic! I could use them for so many things!

Masshole Mommy said...

I would use them to label my kids stuff. They sure are cute labels.

indah nuria savitri said...

I love those labels...and the chalkboard one is so cute indeed :)

Eat To Live said...

I do a lot of herbs. I could use those labels for them. They really are very nice.

~ Noelle said...

Those look great!
I have a set of labels, but have not used mine yet (don't have an organized pantry to use it in!)


The opinions on this blog are my personal take on products and topics relating to motherhood. This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me.

I am not compensated to provide opinions on a variety of topics. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are my own. If I claim to show knowledge of certain topic or product I will only endorse products or services that I feel, based on my expertise, are worthy of such endorsement.

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