- I had The Sunshine Family when I was little. They were, Barbie sized, and I got paper dolls of them to. My sister Terra AKA Aunt Terra and I played with them with our Barbies.
I was envious of a family friend who's Dad built her a doll house for her Sunshine Family. The Grandpa in the set was a bit scary, maybe that's why I didn't have him.
- Terra had The Heart Family. They to joined our Barbie clan. I think they were only out on the market a few years, but we loved them. They were a little more wholesome than the Barbie line up. We loved the twins! She got a Valentines dress set for them one year to.
Terra's is 5 years younger than me, but I played with her all the time. Playing with her was an excuse to stay young. I think I played with dolls and Barbies all the way up until 6th grade. - The scariest doll we had was the Ronald McDonald Doll. We loved the red whistle on that thing!
- One doll I always eyed, but never got was My Buddy. I don't think I ever even asked for him. He came out past my doll playing days. They had Kid Sister, which was an added coolness!
I remember when Mica was itty bitty I said, "I need to get him a My Buddy doll. My Buddy was long since off the shelves. I wanted him to get used to having a baby around to roll play with because I was pregnant with Isaak. I ended up getting a cheap generic doll, which was fine. I still wanted a My Buddy Doll for him - or maybe for me. - Whenever we took baths we played with 3 Men in a Tub and Seaweed Dolls. We looked forward to bath time. Bath time meant playtime. My boys never really got into bath toys as much as I did.
Friday, February 27, 2015
Random Tid Bits
This post is all about taking a trip back down memory lane.
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Great post! That takes me down memory lane too. I remember My Buddy and Kid Sister, although I didn't have one either. I didn't have a lot of toys when I was a kid. I remember playing with Barbie and I had a couple of Cabbage Patch kids. I didn't have nearly as many toys as my kids have.
Teddy Ruxpin was one of my favorite toys when I was younger, than I became obsessed with Barbie.
I wanted Teddy Ruxpin so bad! He was quite expensive though, and mom just couldn't afford it. I also wanted a My Buddy or a Kid Sister. Didn't get those either, but I was spoiled on Cabbage Patch Dolls!
Talk about a trip down memory lane...
I had the Heart family ones... although I didn't know that was what they were called until this post.
My brother had a My Buddy and a Teddy Ruxpin *(guess I am dating my self here) but you better believe I had plenty of Rainbow Bright and Cabbage Patch dolls... Barbie is a given too :)
I had a "King Zor", a dinosaur that shot ping pong balls at you. I had a giant F11 Tiger Navy fighter, with folding wings, and you could pull a lever and the canopy blew off, then the pilot ejected and floated down on his plastic parachute. My brothers and I had all kind of GI guns and bazookas, complete with kids plastic helmets and hand grenades. Those were the days.
When I was a kid, I was ALL ABOUT little people. You know, the old ones. I had so many sets to play with them with and spent HOURS doing it.
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