It wasn't exactly free like they advertised. Maybe free to skate, but we had to pay $4 for skate rental = $8, $2 for each parent to go in the door = $4, it would have been $4 for a skate aid, but we found one that someone left behind. We ended up spending $12. To me that's hardly free. It would have been even more money if we let our kids play in the play area, and eat a bunch of food.
Isaak kept falling over, and over again. I kept saying, "Ar you sure you don't want a skate aid?" I have no clue what those things are called that are like walkers with wheels. He kept saying, "No."
Then he was complaining that Mica was racing him, and he didn't want Mica to keep winning. Dad said, "Don't let it bother you." I said, "There's a skate aid that someone left behind. Go use it. You'll beat Mica in a heartbeat." So he used it.
Not only was Isaak faster at skating. He developed a new friendship on the skate rink. When Isaak fell the kid helped him up. They talked. When they rolled around close to me his friend said, "I think Isaak's getting it now!"
Mica doesn't bend his knees what so ever when he skates. Then when he rolls around to us he preforms all crazy like, and almost falls in the process. I cracked up watching him.
They did have fun. They were wore out at the end. It was probably worth that $12. I just hate when places say something is free, but it's not. That's like saying that Lowes Clinic is if free, but you get there and have to pay for the project. Lowes doesn't do that, unless you want to buy additional kits. Skatedaze shouldn't do that either. Obviously food shouldn't be free, and parents that want to skate shouldn't be free. But anything that involves the skating part shouldn't have a fee connected to it at all.
I hate that fee crap too. Our bowling alley offers free bowling for kids during the summer, but you have to pay shoe rental which is $3 per kid. Not exactly free, either!
looks like fun indeed..but rather dangerous for my kids who are not accustomed to skating, I guess...maybe it's time to try it :)
That skate aide thing is pretty awesome! I've never seen one before.
I just love the old bait and switch.
I think it's shady when they advertise something as free and then charge for rentals. Free is free - they should say free skating PLUS cost of rentals.
Wonderful photos that fun skating!
Yep, there's always the fine print to read on any of those promotions. It's the same thing with kids bowl free promotions - I think you have to pay for the shoe rentals there.
I get so annoyed at things like that...
If its FREE, be FREE... not FREE with a FEE :)
Really?? ... they charge parents to come in the door. What a rip off.
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