Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Nest Protein Bites

I made these easy No Bake - Nest Protein Bites. 

You just combine all the ingredients, minus the Dove Dark Chocolate Eggs in a mixing bowl.

I use a cookie scoop to scoop them out to be the same uniform size and shape. If my hands, or the scoop gets sticky I just drizzle water on them.

Add a Dove Dark Chocolate Egg to each one.

They will store in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. Around our house they never last that long though.

They are super good for breakfast, or snacks. This is the first time I've made them, but they are great for around spring and Easter.


~ Noelle said...

That does look like a great snack for all the hustle on Easter weekend

Theresa Mahoney said...

They do look super yummy! Dove is one of my favorite chocolate brands, so I like the addition!

Cheri said...

These sound delicious, though I'd probably leave out the chocolate.


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