My husband laughs because he generally picks out movies that he doesn't even like. He asked a few co-workers what movies they would recommend and Room came up.
I loved the movie! It's from the novel Room.
It is really similar to Jaycee Dugard, or Elisabeth Smart stories. More the Dugard story because this girl was locked up for 7 years, and had a child.
It has suspense, creativity, happiness, and sadness all wrapped up into one movie. There was only 1 actor I recognized, which maybe why I've never heard of it. It's also why I loved it. I like seeing new talent.
I loved how creative the boy is in Room. He reminded me of Isaak at the age of 5.
What's a movie that you love? I'm looking for movies that are not mainstream.
I haven't watched a movie in a long time, but I'll definitely add this one to my watch list on Amazon Prime. Thanks for the suggestion!
I read this book. I saw the movie at the library this week but decided to get Race instead because one of my students recommended it. I will watch Room eventually though.
Haven't heard of this, that I remember. Will have to look into it
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