Friday, April 19, 2019


Do you know your state's flower? 

Nebraska's is the oh so beautiful Goldenrod. 

Image result for goldenrod, nebraska

I learned about the Goldenrod being Nebraska's state flower when I was Isaak's age - almost 11.

Fast Forward to Now:

We were sitting around the table talking about Isaak's Science Fair Project on Optical Illusions.

Mica started talking about what he wanted to do for his Science Fair Project next year. The last two years he's gotten A's on his projects. Go Mica! Isaak's actually been looking at Mica's board to put together his.

Mica has a history of being oh so smart at school. When he comes home he's...well how do I put this kindly?...kind of ditsy and quite a bit lazy when it comes to tasks around the house. We joke about how he left some of his brain power back at school. Not to be mean. He can turn on the brainy Mica, and at times that brainy Mica is turned off. I've seen my smart boy. Again I'm not making fun of him in a mean way. He does WAY better in school than I did!

Mica's ideas for his next projects: Something on the Blackhole. Travis looked at him and said, "Son what experiment are you going to do in regards to the Blackhole? No one can even get close to it, so we don't know enough about it." I said, "Well at least we have a picture of it now." Mica's sat there, and thought some more.

Mica, "I know exactly what I'm going to do!"....Wait for it... "I'm going to explain scientifically why there aren't any Goldenrods in Omaha, when it's our state flower." Travis piped up at the same time as me, "It's because we live in the city."

I lost it. I have this inability to not stop laughing when I find something very funny. In my mind I pictured Mica looking up to the sky and saying, "Where are all the Goldenrods?" I was laughing so hard I was crying. Travis started laughing as hard as I was. We kept interrupting our laughter by saying, "Where did all the Goldenrods go?" Then we'd laugh some more. Poor Mica got up, shook his head, and left the table. Isaak just kept shaking his head and Mica and the gigglers.

I pictured that scene in the movie Pleasentville where the Dad (William H. Macy the one that could have been in trouble with that college scandal) was rattled because he couldn't find his wife or DINNER. That would be Mica. Only rattled because he couldn't find the Goldenrods.

When I texted my Mom about this story she replied with, "Tell Mica Grandpa has Goldenrod flowers in our backyard. He can show him." I told Mica and the poor kid was like, "I don't want to hear about it Mom."

Then I texted Mica, "Instead of doing a science fair project on Where are all the Goldenrods, you should do it on this...Where are all the Aliens."

The boys are used to my antics by now. We tease each other all the time. Even Travis has learned to loosen up a bit. He married me, and had very little sense of humor that he'd show.

Do you ever laugh so hard that you cry? 


Theresa Mahoney said...

Mariah is crazy smart at school, but boy is she ever lacking common sense at home. Allison has pretty good common sense, but sometimes she says the dumbest things that do make us all laugh til our bellies hurt. I will be looking forward to what what Mica decides to do for real on his project next year.

mail4rosey said...

That's fun that you guys had a moment. I do sometimes laugh, my oldest 2 boys are the big laughers though. They're goofballs, especially if they're together.


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