Sunday, March 11, 2012

Today We Went to the Zoo...

and saw a lot of animals.

It is Grandpa Spiehs' birthday. Happy Birthday Grandpa! We had a wonderful brunch. The boy's wondered why we didn't have cake. Well we had coffee cake.

Grandpa unwrapped gifts. Mica made him a card, a picture of George Washington {not his best} and a picture of himself {pretty good}. Then off to the zoo {as a family} we went.

Everyone seemed to have a good time. It is hard to stay together though. Mica and Isaak are punks about running ahead. Isaak runs ahead and then cries because he can't see me. Mica runs ahead and doesn't look back until he's called.

I kept talking to Mica about being kidnapped. Here's what was said:

Me: Mica I worry about someone grabbing you and kidnapping you!
Mica: I'll just kick them and get away Mom.
Me: Mica adults that want to kidnap children are more powerful than you. Sometimes they put their hands over your mouth, so you can't scream or say anything.
Mica: I'll just lick their hand, they'll get grossed out, wipe my spit away and then I'll run away. I'm fast Mom!
Me: Mica, just stay with me, or I'll force you to hold my hand the rest of the time.

That sort of worked. Then we had additional conversations about kidnapping both in the car and at home.

Regardless of the running off,  everyone had fun. The boy's loved playing with the chains that is the entrance in the aviary. Yep they could of cared less about seeing the birds. They were only interested in the chains. That is until Elijah went through and one popped Isaak in the head. Then of course it was Elijah that hurt Isaak - according to Isaak that is. See for yourself:

On another note: Isaak woke up three times tonight crying for me. He kept dreaming that monkey's were splashing his eyes with water. Sort of funny, but must of been scary for him.


Eat To Live said...

When my Grandkids were small, they would run ahead too. They would also do it in stores. One day, My Daughter and I decided to put a stop to it once and for all. We were in a store with clothing racks. As usual both of them wouldn't listen so we hid behind a clothing rack. They called and called us...... we could see them and they couldn't see us. Finally they started crying and we walked up to them. That stopped the running away for quite awhile.

Sounds like the monkeys kind of scared Isaak.
That means you didn't get any sleep...

Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell said...

I can see how those chains would be an accident waiting to happen, but the trip overall looks like it was a blast!

An Apel a Day said...

Liz- I was thinking that about the chains as well.

I can't reply to you. I think it might be due to the face that Google Friends was canceled with WP. If you would like me to reply just send me your email.
alissa4illustration AT hotmail DOT COM

If not, I understand.

~ Noelle said...

I would love to go to the zoo... and broxton would have a blast at the chain area :)
ha ha... as for the running away, broxton does that and it drives me NUTS


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