There are bad people to!
Life's been a little up and down lately. At least I feel like it is.
Last week one of my students came to me crying because her Grandma was hit by a car when she was walking. She had a blood clot in her brain. She ended up passing away. My student was sad that her Grandmother passed, but she also felt for the person that hit her Grandmother. She knew he didn't mean to hit her Grandmother. Just that single act of forgiveness made me want to cry.
Then I heard about a blogger who lost her son. Someone shot him. I can't even imagine the pain she's going though! She lost another son just a few years ago from suicide. I've been thinking about her everyday. Her son was not even a year younger than me. Anyhow I love her blogging skills. She makes me laugh, brings my spirits up. Now her world has crashed underneath her.
Then I just learned tonight that a high school student is missing. Her mom works at our local Y. We go there three sometimes four times a week. How scary! They may never see their daughter again!
On with the good. There is good. I truly believe that with every bad there has to be a good happening somewhere.
Last week a local design agency had on Facebook that they were giving away the money from their ad profits to someone that needed the money. It was a local person that they wanted to help out. I thought about my sister's family. Here she has had to quit her job to take care of my nephew Emerson. He's a lot of work! Much more then a baby that has no problems at all. Emerson's odds for living were very low. Only 10% of Trisomy 18 babies make it past the age of 1 year. Here he's going to turn a year old on June 23! We all pitch in with what we can. I emailed Emerson's story into Secret Penguin the local design agency. I mentioned how they don't need diapers, my sister uses cloth ones. They don't need formula, my sister has pumped this whole time to give him Momma milk. They could use some restaurant gift cards. Time is what they need. A lot of times they just have sandwiches for dinner because they just don't have time to cook. Emerson is up for another surgery soon. This time to take his adenoids out. Then he has to get his jaw hardware out at the end of May. Secret Penguin talked to a restaurant; they designed their look. They own Roja Grill and Blue Susi. The owner donated a $50 gift card to my sister's family. The owner had a sister that past away of Trisomy 18. Secret Penguin is handing over their profits to people who need money once a month from their ads posted on Facebook.
I also watched a very moving flick that is inspiring. This again is about doing good for people. This little boy had it in his heart to make people happy. The problem was is that no one would come and share his happiness. Finally one person did and launched a Facebook invite and created press for people to show up to play this kid's game. I won't reveal the rest. It's creative, fun and inspirational. A must watch!
Let it buffer for a few minutes before watching.
Caine's Arcade from Nirvan Mullick on Vimeo.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
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I think the good people out weigh the bad,... at least I would hope so.
How sweet of you to send your sisters story in for her. I bet she was very excited to get the gift cards.
Inspiring words! When we had the twins, I really appreciated a couple of friends who went in on some restaurant gift cards for me. What a blessing it was not to have to worry about dinner.
No doubt your sister and her family will have their loads lightened a bit by those gift cards!
I am sorry to hear about the blogger who lost her sons. I can't even imagine what she is going through. I read all about Emerson on your blog and I wish and pray that he be with us forever and ever.
And I wish I can buy the fun pass from Nirvan. It would be fun watching this innovative and cool games.
Sorry, Caine...
i was so sad reading this post with the sad news... and then when i watched the video with caines arcade.. i started bawling tears of joy that there are good people out there
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