You turned 5 today! I'd say I can't hardly believe it, but at the same time I can. Time as I know it slips by faster and faster every year. It seems to move even faster with the second kid, which is you.
You wanted muffins for breakfast. I made June Berry Muffins. I made sure we used your 5 year old candle this morning. You had your first friend birthday party this year; I got the 5 year old candle out and could not find a lighter or matches anywhere. We had you pretend to blow the candle out on that day. This morning we found a lighter, and you blew your candle out.
You woke up this morning and said, "Is it my REAL birthday yet?" For 2 months you've been telling people that you are going to be 5 soon. Then you expected all your friends and family to come on over. We had your friend party last weekend and your family birthday party last evening.
It's been so hard to tell people what to get you! You don't seem to play with toys a lot. Instead you create stuff with what other people would consider junk. Your latest creation is a "Hiya Catcher". It's an empty toilet paper roll with tape that comes out of it. You swing it around, kick like people in Karate do and say, "Hiya". It's a "Hiya Catcher" all right. Super silly, yet ultra creative.
You did get some wonderful gifts this year. There's too many to list. I'll show you a few of your gifts:
Dragon wings, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle weapons and Knucklehead Coveralls
Check out Magic Cabin for the Dragon Wings and The Boys Store for the Coveralls
Check out Magic Cabin for the Dragon Wings and The Boys Store for the Coveralls
I told Mica that you were getting My Little Ponies, and Strawberry Shortcake Dolls. He stopped asking me what was in your packages. He said this morning, "Isaak I hate to say it, but you are not going to like what's in your packages." As much as I loved Strawberry Shortcake Dolls and My Little Ponies, you did not get those things. Mica didn't know what to think.
You are going to go into Kindergarten next school year. You are ready. You've been practicing your writing skills; by writing me notes often. You write and then underline everything you write. Your preschool teachers were stressing that you learn to write on lined paper. Who needs lined paper, when you can make your own lines?
You cousin Elijah is your best friend. You'll miss him at school next year.
You are a giver. You like seeing other people happy over your own happiness. If anyone messes with you, they will be sorry. You are feisty! I refer to you as being spicy and sweet.
In some ways I'm sad seeing you grow up. In other ways I'm excited to see you learn new things.
Happy Birthday my youngest son.
I love you Zeek!
Happy, happy Birthday Isaak! Hope all your wishes come true.
Wonderful post about Isaak Alissa! I wish him a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY and many happy returns.
What a sweet post Mom!
Happy Birthday Isaak!
Happy Birthday Isaak :)
Wonderful post, loved reading about his special day...
I am going to do this on my childrens birthdays now...
what a sweet post//
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy birthday! Those wings are so cool. I had to laugh over the my little ponies!
Happy Birthday Isaak! I agree, time certainly does go by faster with the second one!
Hope it was a great day!
Happy Birthday Isaak :)
This is an awesome post. Love the Hiya Creation! :)
Happy birthday to your handsome big guy.
Happy Belated Birthday Isaak!!!!! Hope you ate lots of cake haha :)
I love this post Alissa!! You are a Super Mom!! Happy Birthday to Isaak
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