I try and enter a creative thing we're doing/have done on Mondays when possible. ClaireJustine and Judy H-J's have a Creative Monday Blog Hop. Just ClaireJustine features the creative things from the week before.
I'm putting up Isaak's drawings this week. I call them: Zeek's Sketches. Zeek is his nickname from birth.
Ever since Isaak started Kindergarten he's been into writing stories, and drawing pictures to go to the stories. Of course it's hard making out what he writes. Many of his words run from one word to another. It still is so cute. I love that he's into learning!
Here are a few of his drawings. I think they are really good for age 5!
They are walking their dog in both pictures.
Again they are walking their dog.
I think the details are pretty good too! My daughter has just started drawing whole bodies.. she usually just drew faces without bodies haha
Ai @ Sakura Haruka
You definitely have a budding artist on your hands....it must run in the family ;)
My six year old unfortunately inherited my artistic ability, which is basically none. He can draw a stick body with a disproportionate head, but that's about it.
Nice =D I love my niece's drawings too. Pretty much like that.. =D
Oh wow yes these are really good!
It is good for his age! And congrats on the feature, that little guy you made was cute. :)
Wait, I think I messed up, that's what you're entering, not the feature. I just left Judy's and saw her pretty flowers.
Never mind me, I'm a dingo ... I don't deny it, lol. *sigh*
Have a great Monday!
Rosey you are right. The featured blogs show up on ClaireJustine's site. :)
His drawings are so great and colorful!
He did a really good job! At that age, stick figures are the norm. He has a lot of detail in his pictures!
My kids are in their late twenties, but I still have some of their childhood artwork framed and up on the wall. Looking at it always makes me feel better if I am having a down day. I hope you are storing away some of the things they do now in an old cedar chest or somewhere safe, so you can enjoy the pictures twenty years from now.
what a great job!!!!
and a big congrats on being featured
Girl...you have an artist in your home!
Whooo Hoooo... congratulation on being featured on Creative Mondays. Way to go!!
Such a cute drawing!
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