Tuesday, October 14, 2014

It's a Busy One

I swear I'm trying to get caught up. If you remember last week was midterm time. Midterms time, and final time is so busy. Yesterday my grades were due, but I had so many late projects handed to me at 5 on Friday. Much more late work turned in than I've ever had. I spent much of the morning yesterday grading. Then another instructor and I hung up 2 gigantic murals each student did a little section of. Maybe I'll share that with my WW. I have yet to decide.

This last weekend we got 2 big boxes of organic nectarines and apples from The Fruit Club.

Do you have The Fruit Club where you live? They go to spots where fruit is ripe, and fresh, load up, and travel to different spots to sell the fruit.

They Fruit Club got into town later than expected. I pretty much had to process a HUGE box of nectarines right away. I'll use them for smoothies during the winter months. Now my freezer is packed with nectarines, shredded zucchini, chili peppers, June Berries and more. When it gets colder, I'll make June Berry Jam all one day. I also processed 2 pumpkins. We've had pumpkin seeds, pumpkin soup, pumpkin muffins, and pumpkin smoothies. I'm sure I'll have to make pumpkin something else tonight. The pumpkin puree needs to be used up!

Here's My Schedule This Week:

Monday: I made a spaghetti squash pie, processed nectarines, graded, hung up murals, and picked out awards for students - who's work gets put up front in the lobby.

Tuesday: I have to work on finding videos to introduce the Creative Cloud for Macs. I have to go grocery shopping during lunch. I have no other time to do it. Daddy has a meeting, and many more Tuesday nights called Artist Inc. It's like school, except he didn't have to pay for it. He just applied to it. I'll try and make pumpkin bread.

Wednesday: The boys have  jiu jitsu.

Thursday: I have a home party to go to for jewelery. I really hate home parties, but I feel obligated to go. Especially when Daddy makes jewelery. I'm sure I'll feel obligated to get something. At least the earrings I bought from them before are one of my favorite pairs. I plan on getting earrings, and stashing them away for Daddy to get me for Christmas. I'm practical like that. Daddy hates when I get my own Christmas presents. Let's just face it - I get most of the shopping done myself.

Friday: The boys have a Fall Festival at school. Prior to that I'll have to fix their costumes. When? I have no idea. Isaak snapped his elastic in the foot part of his Superman costume, and Mica whipped his whip too hard, and wants it fixed. He's going as Indiana Jones. I keep changing my mind as to what I'll be. I think I'm going as Coraline, but how to fix those buttons to my eyes will be hard! I most certainly will not sew them on - Ouch! Nope, I'll have to find away to glue them to my eyebrows. I may change my mind again. I have a few costume choices.

What's your week like?


Harry Flashman said...

Gosh. No one can say you don't live your life. You stay busy but it's all good things.

For me, the highlight of the day is walking down to check the mail box. If I feel like it....

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I just gave my students their midterms today. I don't look forward to grading. So tedious.

Busy week here too. It's always rush rush rush.

mail4rosey said...

You have been busy! Our neighbor's grown son and family is moving in w/them for a bit, and they wanted to clean out their freezer to make room. Hubby accepted two big boxes of food w/no expiry dates or labels. I hate to be wasteful, but oy!!

~ Noelle said...

You have been busy!
I wish we had a fruit club thing here... I will have to look and see if we might... No clue...

Can't wait to see what you go as for Halloween...

~ Noelle said...

You have been busy!
We had a busy weekend as well. I can not wait to see what you go as for Halloween :) So fun!!!!

Cascia Talbert said...

Wow! You have been busy. Like you we have things going on nearly every single night too. I have no idea when it will slow down either.

Masshole Mommy said...

That fruit club sounds awesome. I wish we had something like that here.

Theresa Mahoney said...

My week sucks. We are leaving on Friday for Disney, so now I am down to the wire trying to finish costumes, make sure all the laundry is done, getting caught up on sponsor blog posts, pre-writing next weeks blog posts, trying to finish a book before it has to go back to the library. Argh! I am so ready for vacay!

Sounds like you are pretty busy yourself too!

Eat To Live said...

I don't know how you can keep up. I don't work, there is only me and my Hubs..... I Can't keep up!!
You must plan your time well.


The opinions on this blog are my personal take on products and topics relating to motherhood. This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me.

I am not compensated to provide opinions on a variety of topics. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are my own. If I claim to show knowledge of certain topic or product I will only endorse products or services that I feel, based on my expertise, are worthy of such endorsement.

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